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  Dear Austin; —I've been trying to think this morning how many weeks it was since you went away — I fail in calculations; it seems so long to me since you went back to school that I set down days for years; and weeks for a score of years — not reckoning time by minutes; I don't know what to think of such great discrepancies between the actual hours and those which “seem to be”。 It may seem long to you since you returned to Boston — how I wish you could stay and never go back again。 Everything is so still here; and the clouds are cold and gray — I think it will rain soon。 Oh; I am so lonely!… You had a windy evening going back to Boston; and we thought of you many times and hoped you would not be cold。 Our fire burned so cheerfully I couldn't help thinking of how many were here; and how many were away; and I wished so many times during that long evening that the door would open and you e walking in。 Home is a holy thing; — nothing of doubt or distrust can enter its blessed portals。 I feel it more and more as the great world goes on; and one and another forsake in whom you place your trust; here seems indeed to be a bit of Eden which not the sin of any can utterly destroy; — smaller it is indeed; and it may be less fair; but fairer it is and brighter than all the world beside。
  I hope this year in Boston will not impair your health; and I hope you will be as happy as you used to be before。 I don't wonder it makes you sober to leave this blessed air — if it were in my power I would on every morning transmit its purest breaths fragrant and cool to you。 How I wish you could have it — a thousand little winds waft it to me this morning; fragrant with forest leaves and bright autumnal berries。 I would be willing to give you my portion for today; and take the salt sea's breath in its bright; bounding stead…
  Your affectionate
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  托马斯·哈代(1840—1928),英国小说家、诗人;1840年6月2日生于英国西南部的一个小村庄。他的父亲是石匠,但爱好音乐。父母都重视对哈代的文化教育。1856年,哈代离开学校,给一名建筑师当学徒。1862年前往伦敦,任建筑绘图员,并在伦敦大学进修语言,开始文学创作。哈代的文学生涯开始于诗歌,后因无缘发表,改而从事小说创作,他的第四部小说《远离尘嚣》(1874)让他一举成名。从此,他放弃建筑行业,致力于小说创作。哈代一生共发表了近20部长篇小说,其中最著名的当推《德伯家的苔丝》《无名的裘德》《还乡》和《卡斯特桥市长》。另有八部诗集,共918首。此外,还有许多以“威塞克斯故事”为总名的中短篇小说,以及长篇史诗剧《列王》。 哈代的作品反映了资本主义侵入英国农村城镇后所引起的社会经济、政治、道德、风俗等方面的深刻变化以及人民(尤其是妇女)的悲惨命运。他的作品承上启下,既继承了英国批判现实主义的优秀传统,也为20世纪的英国文学开拓了道路。
  Thomas Hardy
  Dec。 19;1863
  My dear Mary;
  I was beginning to think you had given up writing altogether when your letter came。 Certainly try to get as long a time as you can Christmas。
  I am glad you have been to Oxford again。 It must be a jolly place。 I shall try to get down there some time or other。 You have no right to say that you are not connected with art。 Everybody is; to a certain extent; the only difference between a professor and an amateur being that the former has the (often disagreeable) necessity of making it his means of earning bread and cheese — and thus often rendering what is a pleasure to other people a “bore” to himself。
  About Thackeray, you must read something of his。 He is considered to be the greatest novelist of the day—looking at novel writing of the highest kind as a perfect and truthful representation of actual life—which is no doubt the proper view to take。 Hence; because his novels stand so high as works of Art or Truth; they often have anything but an elevating tendency; and on this account are particularly unfitted for young people—from their very truthfulness。 People say that it is beyond Mr。 Thackeray to paint a perfect man or woman—a great fault if novels are intended to instruct; but just the opposite if they are to be considered merely as Pictures。 Vanity Fair is considered one of his best。
  I expect to go home about Tuesday or Wednesday after Christmas and shall then find you there of course—We must have a “bit of a lark”—
  Ever affectionately


  Myne Sweetheart;
  This shall be to advertise you of the great ellingness that I find here since your departing; for I ensure you; me thinketh the Tyme longer since your departing now last than I was wont to do a whole Fortnight; I think your Kindness and my Fervence of Love causeth it; for otherwise I would not thought it possible; that for so little a while it should have grieved me; but now that I am ing toward you; me thinketh my Pains by half released; and also I am right well forted; insomuch that my Book maketh substantially for my Matter; in writing whereof I have spent above four Hours this Day; which caused me now write the shorter Letter to you at this Tyme; because of some Payne in my Head; wishing myself(specially an Evening) in my Sweethearts Armes whose pretty Duckys I trust shortly to kysse。 Write with the Hand of him that was; is; and shall be yours by his will;


  The Hague; 1713。
  I am a prisoner here in the name of the King; they can take my life; but not the love that I feel for you。 Yes; my adorable mistress; tonight I shall see you; and if I had to put my head on the block to do it。 For Heaven's sake; do not speak to me in such disastrous terms as you write; you must live and be cautious; beware of madame your mother as of your worst enemy。 What do I say? Beware of everybody; trust no one; keep yourself in readiness; as soon as the moon is visible,I shall leave the hotel incognito; take a carriage or a chaise; we shall drive like the wind to Scheveningen; I shall take paper and ink with me; we shall write our letters。
  If you love me; reassure yourself; and call all your strength and presence of mind to your aid; do not let your mother notice anything; try to have your picture; and be assured that the menace of the g
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