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  Just say a word to me; dearest; a word of denial and O I shall be so transported with happiness!
  Are you well; my darling? You are not fretting; are you? Don't read over those horrible letters I wrote。 I was out of my mind with rage at the time。
  I must go down now all the way to the G。 P。 O。 to post this as the post has gone here。 It is after one at night。
  Good night, “my precious!”
  No man; I believe; can ever be worthy of a woman's love。
  My darling; forgive me。 I love you and that is why I was so maddened only to think of you and that mon dishonorable wretch。
  Nora darling; I apologize to you humbly。 Take me again to your arms。 Make me worthy of you。
  I will conquer yet and then you will be at my side。
  Good night “my dearest”; “my precious”。 A whole life is opening for us now。 It has been a bitter experience and our love will now be sweeter。
  Give me your lips; my love;
  “My kiss will give peace now,
  And quiet to your heart。
  Sleep on in peace now;
  O you unquiet heart。”


  今天辛苦了一天。早上,贝克把他让我们改编的故事还给了我们。他要求我们写一个剧本提纲,要我们必须在动手写剧本之前将提纲交给他。我立即着手,已经写了大约1 000个字。贝克在我的写作中插入如此多的“不要”,因此写起来相当困难——至少对于提纲来说是如此。他指责有些小说的出版是为了商业目的,我认为,在某些情况下,他的指责是有失公允的。我给了他一本我的书,他说他会十分高兴地看一遍。还有一个和我一起学习的同伴问我哪里可以买到我的书,我想他大概想了解我是一个什么档次的戏剧家。但是,不用说,我感到有些不安。
  Eugene O'Neill 。 想看书来

  Tuesday Night; October 6;1914
  My Own;
  Here I am back at the old dump once more feeling more lonely and heartsick than ever。 It sure is hard to have to leave you this way; and I am fervently praying to all the Gods that the time will soon e which will bring surcease of all these soulaches which make life so horrible and full of pain。 Ah My Own; My Own; how I love you; and how the relentless hours drag their leaden feet when I am not with you!
  I am thinking of last night and of all the wonder which is you; and my great desire moans from the depths of its abysmal aloneness。 “Give us; ah; give us but yesterday!”
  Life has bee for me a phantom show in which there are but two realities—you and my love for you。 All else is misty shadow of illusion; vain fretting most valueless。 I exist as I am reflected in you。 I can only endure myself when I see my image in your eyes—in their gray pool does this Narcissus see himself; and admire; and feel so proud to be there。
  “It's a long; long way to Tipperary” and countless aeons before my birthday when I shall again feel your soft warm lips on mine。 I could shake the skies with my fruitless cries; gnash my sharp (according to you) teeth with my rage at fate—but what's the use? Time will pass however slowly; and again I shall hold you in my arms; O Dear One; O Most Adorable of All Women。 A long kiss! Good night。
  Friday; October 9;1914
  Have worked pretty hard today。 Baker gave us back the stories he wishes us to adapt this morning and requested us to write a scenario which we must hand in before we start on the play itself。 I started right in and have written about a thousand words of mine already。 Baker has injected so many “don'ts” into the work that it is fraught with difficulty to say the least。 He lit into some of the stories for fair; rather unjustly; I thought; in some cases。 I gave him a copy of my book and he said he would be glad to look it over。 Another one of my fellow studies asked me where he could buy a copy。 I think he sort of wants to get my number as a playwright; but; won't tell; I should fret。
  Went for a swim late this 
  Expect to go out to the Stadium to see death old Harvard play Washington and Jefferson tomorrow afternoon。 Should be a good game。
  Have just been thinking that this time last week I was in your arms or you in mine。 The world do wag on and its waggery decreases my joys instead of increasing them。 Ah; that last night with my arm about your waist! You haven't forgotten it either; I know。 Dear One; we have at least glorious memories of our past together which augur well for the future。 It has been sweet; so sweet to me; sweet with the flavor of your adorable personality; My Own。 We have a future together; I am sure; that will more than pensate for the Present's sins of omission。 And yet; and yet—My God; it is so hard to wait! I try to bear it with some show of equanimity; to call a patient philosophy to my aid; but it's no use。 I want you! I want you! I want you! Bee dear; my own Bee dear; I love you so; so much! Little wife; little wife; I adore you!
  But now; alas; when I need you so much you are worlds away from me and
  “I am a prince of thwarted ecstasy
  Of unassuaged desire。”
  But a week from tonight—Delirious thought!


  John Murry
  7 February; 1918
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