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  Focus on the Joy
  It’s the Holiday Season—a new year is just around the corner! I’ll bet you’re already thinking about how you’d like next year to be a little different than last right?
  But instead of thinking of performance; and efficiency; and control; I’d like you to take this opportunity to think about how many things in your daily life that you do “just for the joy of it”?
  What I’m talking about here is value…based happiness (as opposed to temporary happiness)。
  Value…based happiness refers to the general feeling of well being that you experience when you are doing what you perceive to be meaningful—when it’s something that’s important to you。
  When you love what you do; you naturally bee more efficient。 When you do things for the joy of it; you’ll rise above problems; and move easier through life
  Value…based happiness is a by product from living a life focused on the Joy。 It is the by product of doing things not for what you get in return; not because you “should”or“have…to”; but because you want to; because they are a part of your highest goals; and what your value。

Value…based happiness es from looking at things with your heart; not just your eyes。
  You create value…based happiness by focusing on the joy of life; instead of constantly looking for the next new thing that might make you feel better about yourself; about your life。
  So how do you focus on the Joy?
  Throw out your ideas about control; effectiveness; and goals。 (Yes; they are important; but let’s just try something different; ok?)
  Focus on Learning。
  Instead of making a goal to achieve more in your job; decide instead to read and learn how to do one new thing each week。
  Focus on Time。
  Schedule your time to include what’s important to you; like reading time; or exercise time; or family time; or learning time。
  Focus on the Why。
  Instead of just forcing yourself to mop the kitchen floor; tap into the higher goal that mopping the kitchen floor supports (having a clean and healthy home)。
  How does that feel? Not bad; Huh! If you focus on the pleasure that a desire gives you; you’ll find it easier to put in the work that it takes。 (One author gives the example of giving blood—while the experience itself may be less than pleasant; the joy es in knowing “why” you’re doing it)。
  And I absolutely guarantee that you will achieve more; mainrain your efforts; and have a much better journey along the way。
  Over the next 12 months; instead of focusing on the effort; FOCUS ON THE JOY。 Focus on the people and things that are most important to you。 Focus on the pleasure you get out of moving towards your goals。 Focus on the process of creating something; not what results you expect。
  Invest in yourself more than you ever thought was allowed。 Not only will you reap rewards; but those around you will benefit more than you ever believed。
   。 想看书来

  正像大家所知道的那样,有些人过着相对宽裕的生活却一点都不快乐,而有些   人虽然承受着痛苦却仍然快乐。这其中的奥秘之一就是拥有感恩之心。不懂得感恩的人无法获得快乐,一切快乐的人都是懂得感恩的人。人们往往认为,抱怨是由不快乐引起的,然而,更加确切的说法应该是:抱怨使人变得不快乐。奥秘之二就是,要知道,快乐是其他事物的副产品。快乐最显而易见的来源就是生活中所追求的目标,是从研究昆虫到打棒球的一切事情。我们付出的热情越多,享受到的快乐就越多。奥秘之三就是,坚持能够让我们变得更加快乐的信仰——我们要坚信,有一种能够超越自我的永恒存在,而我们自身的存在具有更大的意义。我们需要一种精神信仰,这是关于人生的哲学。无论哪种人生哲学都会包含这个不言而喻的道理:面对一种情景,如果你选择积极的一面,你将会受到祝福;如果你选择消极的一面,你就会被诅咒。在很大程度上,这取决于你自己的决定,就像快乐本身一样。
  Make Efforts
  Anyone could be unhappy; it took no courage and effort。 True achievement lay in struggling to be happy。 The notion that we have to work at happiness es as news to many people。 We assume it’s a feeling that es as a result of good things that just happen to us; a thing over which we have little or no control。 But the opposite is true: happiness is largely under our control。 To achieve a happy life; it’s necessary to overe some stumbling blocks。
  One effective way of destroying happiness is to look at something and focus on even the smallest flaw。 It’s like looking at the tiled ceiling and concentrating on the space where one tile is missing。 As a bald man told me; “Whenever I enter a room; all I see is hair。” Once you’re determined what your missing tile is explore whether acquiring it will really make you happy。 Then do one of the three things: get it; re place it with a different tile; or forget about it and focus on the tiles in your life that are not missing。
  We all know people who have had a relatively easy life yet are essentially unhappy。 And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy。 The first secret is gratitude。 All happy people are grateful。 Ungrateful people cannot be happy。 We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to plain; but it’s truer to say that plaining leads to people being unhappy。 The second secret is realizing that happiness is a byproduct of something else。 The most obvious sources are those pursuits that give our lives purpose—anything from studying insects to playing baseball。 The more passions we have; the more happiness we are likely to experience。 Finally; the belief that something permanent transcends us and that our existence has some larger meaning can help us be happier。 We need a spirit ual faith; of a philosophy of Iife。 Whatever your philosophy; it should include this truism: if you choose to find the positive in virtually every situation; you will be blessed; and if you choose to find the awful; you will be cursed。 As with happiness itself; this is largely your decision to make。
   。 想看书来

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