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  I still remember it was at the age of 5 when I first ride on the train to my parents’ 。 I was curious about everything then。 I had never seen the train and wander about everywhere ;not knowing the security is poor at that time on the train 。



  Watching the passing trees and the moving mountain through the window ; it almost 12 at midnight ;many passengers had been asleep when a ferocious man took out a knife 。he was searching  the handbag over there and told me not to scream 。but I was too young to stand this and I cried 。 the crying waked up all  people 。but the  man  point to the crowd with the knife and threatened to kill them if they called the police 。when he took the money and was leaving ;the conductor came and seized his arm and controlled the man 。he cried “release me please ;I will never do such thing as the theft 。


  I came back to my father’s side 。in zunyi ;I knew a boy called afan ;he is older than me and we often went out together playing around the outskirt of the city 。


  One time we miss the way ;we were thirsty and hungry then ;we didn’t know how we got to a poke market later ;there was a high big dog ;we were scared and very frightened trembling 。 we left three and reached a banana market 。we were very glad that we could  cram our stomach now 。afan proposed us we stole some bananas from under the stand of bananas 。when the saleswomen turned around her eyes ;afan hid himself under the stand 。 I gave him a hint that it was the right time to make it done 。he scratched a branch of bananas ;and crawled  out of it  。we filled up our stomach and sheltered under the eaves of a house 。that night was a terrible night and we embraced each other ;missing our homes ;until the dawn a truck came along 。


  There was a lot of delicious food in it like the pie cake ;apple pie ……so many delis on the truck that we wanted to climb onto it 。our mouth was full of water 。 I know it’s my turn to make it done 。but it went away before I got down with food 。 I had no choice but to wait the truck’s stop 。 It arrived a farway place I didn’t know the name of it 。 I slipped away from the truck and got nowhere 。in the long dark tunnel ;I kept on walking with heavy step when a old kindly women  took me her home 。


  She gave me a lot of food to eat ;especially the fried peanut 。 I stayed there three days and I wanted to leave ;I knew her reluctance ;though 。she wanted me to be her grandson ;but I had to depart 。at last she sent me home ;even though I didn’t the place of my home ;I knew the famous DONG WINE beside me home 。when I got home ;I found that afan was also returned 。 I asked how he came back 。he told me that it was the truck people sent him home ; he still thought I was in the truck then 。


  Another time ;I together with my father went to climb mountain ;it was very steep 。the road was very tough ;we were so exaugsted 。there lived some farmers there 。we asked some water from them 。there were so many fruits ;apples ;pears 。but they were green then 。 I had never thought there were so many fruits and vegetables planted by the old farmers。


  After over the mountain ;we saw a lake in front of us 。the water was as clean as crystal that we could see the bottom of it 。this was an unpolluted area near here 。we reluctant to wash our faces in it 。


  We got to the THE RED ARMY mountain ;the martyr memorial park。 There were more than 1000 steps to get to the top of it 。looking up at the old men in front of us ;we exceed our speed 。eventually ;we made it 。there was a huge monument of workers and farmers 。on the top stand the symbol ; the sickle and hammer,both of them are made of gold and brass。 The surrounding wall was carved the processing picture of long match ;for example ;the struggle to cross the DADU river。


  Inside ;there is a room ;this is data room ;chairman mao ever preside a meeting here 。down ;stands a statue of an old solider feeding medicine to the young 。there is a tale that if anyone who touched the feet of the old solider would go into fortune 。so the feet of the old solider is always shine 。surround; planted a lot of green pine trees and bamboos ;symboling the immortality of the soliders who ever saved us 。


  We got to the phoenix mountain and there was a zoo 。in it there was tigers; lions ;snakes and so on 。 but the most famous is the pure water here 。we struggle to the top of it and to the side of the pure water well 。the water is really cool and a good tasty and make us feel fresh I can’t help carrying some water in my pot ;we drank enough and get down 。


  We reached to chongqin 。we sensed the hospitablity ;the frankness and direct…said of the people 。they speak with no more words except the point 。and there was BANGBANG crowd ;which make a beautiful scene of the city 。in the mountainous city ;where you go ;you will ups and downs 。the citizens is very friendly 。they are ready to facilitate you if possible 。and the underground Market is full of kinds of merchandise ;the big ocean shrimps and the turtles 。


  But it was not long before I went home to receive education ;and my fabulous childhood。。 最好的txt下载网

乡 村 童 趣
乡 村 童 趣

  Fabulous Country childhood 


  Today ;in the midday ;I had a nap and dream a dream about my country ;my childhood 。so clear the picture is ;and I clearly sense I am home ;those familiar and lovely faces of my young partners ;my sister juan ;ke ;jiang ;guang 。they appeared in my dream one after another 。and my uncle and aunty 。


  I am listening to the lecture in the le
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