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hen he hit a great shot!
  However; my best friend attended church with Terry。 Shirley decided to play matchmaker。 She not only invited me to a church…sponsored skating party; but also literally pushed me in his parents’ car to ride to the skating rink。 Although the skating rink was 15 miles away; very few words were spoken。 As I sank down in that backseat; I just wanted to keep sinking。 This had truly been a huge mistake。
  After we arrived at the skating rink; things did not get any better。 Each couple skate I hoped and prayed that Terry would ask me。 He didn’t! After about three couple skates; I decided enough was enough! So I took turns skating with his two best friends。 As the last call for a couple skate came over the rink’s loud speakers; Terry finally skated somewhat awkwardly3 and stood beside the rails with me。
  “I guess you wonder why I have not asked you to couple skate?” were his first words to me。 Trying ever so hard not to look in those big beautiful brown eyes that made me melt; I answered nonchalantly and dishonestly; “No; not really。”
  This guy not only ignored my tart reply; but would also win my heart with the following reply。 Casting those beautiful eyes down at his skates; he humbly remarked; “I didn’t ask because I do not skate very well。 If you are not afraid that I will make you fall; would you please skate with me?” This time I did look into those eyes and did melt。
  As we skated hand in hand to Always and Forever; I knew my life would never be the same。 I never knew a guy that actually would admit any of his faults; let alone worry about a girl to boot! I had first been attracted to his beauty on the outside (who wouldn’t notice those beautiful brown eyes); but it would be his beautiful heart that made me realize how truly special he was。
  I had actually found my Prince Charming。
  Even though he was not riding on a handsome steed (but rented roller skates); he made me feel like Cinderella at the ball as we skated around the rink。 I clung tightly to his hand—not because I was afraid of midnight—but to help keep him from falling。 When I look at our wedding pictures; my favorite is walking down the aisle as husband and wife。 Most couples walk down the aisle with the bride’s hand tucked neatly in the crook of her husband’s arm。 Not us! We walked down the aisle; after being pronounced man and wife; just like we had done seven years before at that skating rink—hand…in…hand with the promise of helping keep the other one from falling。
  Our children love to hear the story of how their dad did not know how to skate and asked me to hold his hand to help us keep from tumbling。 But it had already been too late for their mother。 Only after one look into those eyes; she had fallen—fallen in love with Prince Charming。

  Distant Admirer
  Cary is very popular in his college and nearly everybody knows him。 He is a basketball star。 And for this reason; he has bee the pride of the college; envy of the boys; and hero of the girls。 Among his many admirers is a girl called Nola。
  Nola is Cary’s classmate; and Professor Johnson’s daughter。 Mr。 Johnson is a strict father; and in a family where a sports star is not so highly regarded; Nola never dares to mention Gary’s name。 In the school; they seldom speak to each other and always keep a certain distance。
  Nola’s family lives on the campus and there is a big sports ground near their house。 Every afternoon; after school; Cary would spend at least one hour practising basketball before returning home。 Nola lives on the third floor; and from their balcony she can see the sports ground。 As a habit; Nola would sit in a chair on the balcony; reading or doing her homework every day when she es home。 Sometimes she would raise her head to watch Gary shoot or count how many times he can hit the basket。
  Cary doesn’t seem to pay any attention to Nola on the balcony。
  One afternoon; Nola moved her chair into the room to avoid the breeze outside。 But she could still hear the noise from the sports ground。 The noise suddenly stopped and the sports ground became very quiet。 Nola thought it strange and looked through the window。
  She saw Cary bending down there and writing something on the ground with a piece of chalk。 What was he writing? She wondered。 Cary finished writing and stood up; he picked up his bag and dragged his way home。
  After Cary left; Nola went down quickly and walked quietly to the sports ground。 When she got to the place where Cary had just stayed; she found these words,“Nola; why didn’t you watch me play?”
  She picked up the chalk end on the ground and added below the line,“But yes; I did。”

  ■ 心灵小语

Friends for Life
  Tina Leeds
  Tim left for college on a Saturday and I on a Sunday。 It would be the first time we had ever been apart over the course of our high school friendship。 Ours was more than a normal boy/girl friend
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