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  Tim left for college on a Saturday and I on a Sunday。 It would be the first time we had ever been apart over the course of our high school friendship。 Ours was more than a normal boy/girl friendship; though。 Our close connection was the envy of others。 I was in awe of his amazing personality; his hilarious jokes and his little…boy looks。 He could read my mind; finish my sentences and bring me to hysterical laughter with only a look。 We adored each other。 As our last summer together approached; our bond only grew。
  The summer started off slowly; with Tim trying to get my mind off the jerk I now refer to as my ex…boyfriend and a total waste of my time。 Tim was dating one of my close friends; and had been for a couple of months。 I had to sit by and watch as she ridiculed him; made a joke of him in front of our friends; and eventually made him cry when she finally ended it。 She broke my best friend’s heart; and I ached with him。
  We spent hours talking on the phone late at night; forting each other; giving each other advice and worrying about college。 Over the rest of the summer; both of us were single; so we spent all of our time together。 Late at night after work; we would meet at cafes and just talk for hours。 We grew even closer that summer。 I only wondered why our friendship had to get so close now; as we were both preparing to leave for college。
  As the time approached when we would have to say good…bye; we went shopping together for school supplies and planned our first rendezvous as college students for a month after we were both at school。
  As I left that Saturday morning to take him to school; I was extremely nervous; my stomach full of knots。 I kept wondering what was wrong with me during the three…hour car ride。 Of course I was going to miss him; but this was not a sad feeling; this was nervousness。 As we finished packing him into his tiny room and making it feel like some semblance of home; it hit me—and it hit me hard。 I was in love with this guy! And it wasn’t the friendship kind of love that I had felt for him throughout high school; it was something much deeper。 I felt helpless。 I had finally realized my true feelings for my best friend when it was too late。 Tears filled my eyes as I sat on his springy; steel bed。 I said good…bye to my best friend and the love of my life; wondering if we were really going to meet in a month as planned。
  That night at home as I packed my stuff I cried; scared that things would never be the same。 We were both going to have our separate lives and would probably barely think of each other。 Just then the phone rang; and as I wiped my tears and tried to utter a quiet hello; the voice on the other end let me know everything was going to be okay。 It was Tim。 Before even saying hello he blurted out; “Tina; we’re going to make that rendezvous earlier than I thought。 How about tonight?”
  I was grinning like crazy as I practically hung up on him; jumped in my car without directions and headed for his school。 How I got there in such a short time (an hour and forty…five minutes) is irrelevant。 What is relevant is that the second I got there; I hugged him and told him I loved him。 I had actually done that numerous times before; but this time he pulled away from my embrace; looked into my eyes; told me he loved me; too—and then kissed me。 It was a kiss that seemed to contain months; even years; worth of love for each other。
  When I left for school the next morning; I had Tim on my mind and in my heart。 As I picked up my wallet to get money out to pay for a soda; a tiny piece of paper fell out。 It was from Tim and contained words that touch my heart to this day and still make me smile。 “Tina; I am so mad at myself for waiting to tell you。。。I love you!” My eyes welled up with tears; and I felt truly happy and at ease with our situation。
  I still keep that note from Tim; and we continue to share a remarkable friendship and always will。 Only these days we also share much more—three beautiful children and the same last name。

  ■ 心灵小语
  Late at Night
  Today; my friend asked me a question。 At night; do you turn off1 your cell phone? If you don’t; whom do you leave it on for?
  I usually do not turn off my cell phone。 Why? I have no idea。 After reading an article; I seemed to understand a little bit:  for that little bit of caring。 I am now sharing this story with you。
  The girl would turn her cell phone off and put it by her photo on the desk every night before going to bed。 This habit had been with her ever since she bought the phone。
  The girl had a very close boyfriend。 When they couldn’t meet; they would either call or send messages to each other。 They both liked this type of munication。
  One night; the boy really missed the girl。 When he called her; however; the girl’s cell phone was off because she was already asleep。 The next day; the boy asked the girl to leave her cell phone on at night because when he needed to find her and could not; he would be worried。
  From that day forth; the girl began a new habit。 Her cell phone never shut down at night。 Because she was afraid that she might not be able to hear the phone ring in her sleep; she tried to stay very alert2。 As days passed; she became thinner and thinner。 Slowly; a gap began to form between them。
  The girl wanted to revive their relationship。 One night; she called the boy。 However; what she got was a sweet female voice,“Sorry; the subscriber3 you dialed is power off。”
  The girl knew that her love had just been turned off。
  After a long time; the girl had a new love。 No matter how well they got along; the girl; however; refused to get married。 In the girl’s heart; she always remembered that boy’s words and the night when that phone was power off。
  The girl still kept the habit of leaving her cell phone on all throughout the night; but not expecting that it would ring。
  One night; the girl caught ill。 In a moment of fluster4; instead of calling her parents; she dialed the new boyfriend’s cell phone。 The boy was already asleep but his cell phone was still on。
  Later; the girl asked the boy, “Why don’t you turn your cell phone off at night?”
  The boy answered,“I’m afraid that if you need anything at night and aren’t able to find me; you’ll worry。”
  The girl finally married the boy。
  Later at night; do you turn off your cell phone?
   。 想看书来

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