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out; and asked again; “What do you mean?”
  The driver answered; “You know; every morning for the past week; a fine looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you when you get off the bus。 He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches you until you enter your office building。 Then he blows you a kiss; gives you a little salute5 and walks away。 You are one lucky lady。”
  Tears of happiness poured down Susan’s cheeks。 For although she couldn’t physically see him; she had always felt Mark’s presence。 She was lucky; so lucky; for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight; a gift she didn’t need to see to believe—the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness。


  ■ 心灵小语
  Where Love Lands
  No one knows where love’s wings will land。 At times; it turns up in the most unusual spots。 There was nothing more surprising than when it descended upon a rehabilitation hospital in a Los Angeles suburb—a hospital where most of the patients can no longer move of their own accord。
  When the staff heard the news; some of the nurses began to cry。 The administrator was in shock; but from then on; Harry MacNarama would bless it as one of the greatest days in his entire life。
  Now the trouble was; how were they going to make the wedding dress? He knew his staff would find a way; and when one of his nurses volunteered; Harry was relieved。 He wanted this to be the finest day in the lives of two of his patients—Juana and Michael。
  Michael strapped in his wheelchair and breathing through his ventilator; appeared at Harry’s office door one morning。
  “Harry; I want to get married; ”Michael announced。
  “Married?” Harry’s mouth dropped open。 How serious was this? “To who? ”Harry asked。
  “To Juana; ”Michael said。 “We’re in love。”
  Love。 Love had found its way through the hospital doors; over two bodies that refused to work for their owners and penetrated their hearts—despite the fact that the two patients were unable to feed or cloth themselves; required ventilators just to breath and could never walk again。 Michael had spinal muscular atrophy; Juana had multiple sclerosis。
  Just how serious this marriage idea was; became quite apparent when Michael pulled out the engagement ring and beamed as he hadn’t done in years。 In fact; the staff had never seen a kinder; sweeter Michael; who had been one of the angriest men Harry’s employees had ever worked with。
  The reason for Michael’s anger was understandable。 For twenty…five years; he had lived his life at a medical center where his mother had placed him at age nine and visited him several times a week until she died。 He was always a raspy sort of guy; who cussed out his nurses routinely; but at least he felt he had family at the hospital。 The patients were his friends。

There even had been a girl once who went about in a squeaky wheelchair who he was sure had eyed him。 But she hadn’t stayed long at the center。 And after spending more than half his life there; now Michael wasn’t going to get to stay either。
  The center was closing; and Michael was shipped to live at the rehabilitation hospital; far from his friends and worse; far from Betty。
  That’s when Michael turned into a recluse。 He wouldn’t e out from his room。 He left it dark。 His friends drove more than two hours to see him。 But Michael’s spirits sagged so low; no one could reach him。
  And then; one day; he was lying in bed when he heard a familiar creaking sound ing down the hall。 It sounded like that same; ancient; squeaky wheelchair that girl; Juana; had used at the center where he used to live。
  The squeaking stopped at his door; and Juana peered in and asked him to e outdoors with her。 He was intrigued and from the moment he met Juana again; it was as though she breathed life back into him。
  He was staring at the clouds and blue skies again。 He began to participate in the hospital’s recreation programs。 He spent hours talking with Juana。 His room was sunny and light。 And then he asked Juana; who’d been living in a wheelchair since age twenty…four; if she would marry him。
  Juana had already had a tough life。 She was pulled out of school before finishing the third grade; because she collapsed and fell a lot。 Her mother; thinking she was lazy; slapped her around。 She lived in terror that her mother wouldn’t want her anymore; so on the occasions when she was well enough; she cleaned house “like a little maid”。
  Before the age of twenty…four; like Michael; she had a tracheotomy just to breathe and that was when she was officially diagnosed with multiple sclerosis。 By the time she was thirty; she had moved into a hospital with round…the…clock care。
  So when Michael asked her the big question; she didn’t think she could handle the pain if he was teasing。
  “He told me he loved me; and I was so scared;” she said。 “I thought he was playing a game with me。 But he told me it was true。 He told me he loved me。”
  On Valentine’s Day; Juana wore a wedding dress made of white satin; dotted with pearl beads and cut loose enough to drape around a wheelchair and a ventilator。 Juana was rolled to the front of the room; assisted by Harry; who proudly gave the bride away。 Her face streamed with tears。
  Michael wore a crisp white shirt; black jacket and a bow tie that fit neatly
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