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Intimacy 亲密(2)
  When a man and a woman are drawn together; the attraction; I believe; is always sexual。 Whether firing instantly; flaring bright; or taking its time; smouldering in secret; flickering; rekindling; before burning itself out。
  The theory of love at first sight is appealing; but really; there is no such thing。 Love es later; an afterthought; once desires are sated; needs overe; wishes fulfilled。
  Sex is instinctive; possessive; manding: a force to be reckon…ed with; dangerous when unleashed。 Since we never know where it will take us; it needs to be handled with care。
  Love; on the other hand; is never a threat。 It is deliberate; fashioned by choices; generous to a fault; happy to put the other person’s interests ahead of its own。
  If sex is the ultimate in self…expression; love is the opposite: an on…going challenge to vanquish the self。 A formidable task; much against the grain of human nature。
  Our ability to love is constantly tested; as we are faced with hurdles that call for mutual negotiation。 If we succeed in clearing them; the result will be a deeper attachment; greater affection; a closer bond。
  Conversely; no relationship; however passionate; will survive if love is lacking。 Without love we fall at the first fence。
  Proponents of the 1960s sexual revolution had a noble aim in mind: to liberate us all from the age…old tyranny of insipid morality; religious condemnation; secrecy and shame; repression; guilt and inhibition。
  Love was the new currency; intimacy a birthright; to be enjoyed along with carnal pleasures and made freely available as a healthy; natural means of expression。
  Loneliness would be a thing of the past; every type of relationship respected; physical and emotional fulfilment available to all; with no fear of disapproval or exclusion。
  Little did these humanitarians anticipate that; before long; their idealistic concept would be hi…jacked by mercial interests and used for crass material ends with no regard for any values other than financial。
  Today; sex is a prime marketing tool exceeding all others。 From all directions it is forced on to an unsuspecting public; sparing no one; not even little children; from the delusion that nothing but your sexuality gives you a place in the world。
  How can anybody be expected to withstand this onslaught; brain…washed as we are to accept as the real thing casual couplings or mindless drunken encounters; and to live with the consequences of increased violence against women;more sexually transmitted diseases; children who should never have been born; abuse; confusion and deviation; not to mention emotions laid waste?
  Good…bye intimacy。 Hello loneliness。
  In the days when marriage was the only accepted arrangement for living together  – or even sharing a bed –you went to the altar without asking why。 (Unless; that is; a baby was on the way。)。 最好的txt下载网

Intimacy 亲密(3)
Or else you looked to marital status for the benefits it would bring: personally; socially; materially。 For anybody weak or insecure; matrimony offered a safe haven: a brand new identity supplied by the spouse。
  It goes without saying that such married couples did not always live happily ever after。 No one could be sure of the partner’s motives。 In a conflict either could say: “I married you for all the wrong reasons。 Not because I loved you。 Not of my own free will。”
  Nowadays; with no more pressure from society and little in way of incentives; you may well ask: Why should anyone want to get married?
  I can’t think of a single good reason… Except; possibly; a simple wish to show the world where you belong… visions of a future bleak without the other… a genuine desire to be there for the one you love; dedicating your life to his or her welfare。
  For marriages entered into on these grounds auguries couldn’t be better。 But; my goodness; it takes courage。 For any couple who have found it; I take off my hat and say: Congratulations!
  As a student in London; I shared a flat with a Moslem girl。 Her mother; still young; came to visit; covered in black from head to toe: her eyes were all I ever saw of her。 Proudly she told me of a solemn vow made to her husband on his deathbed twelve years before: that no man would ever see her beautiful face again。
  Equally faithful is a Western woman I know; who spends her life surrounded by photographs and mementoes of a long dead husband; mourning him as fervently as once she loved him; impervious to the approaches of any other man。
  Another widow with a young family remarried a man who won’t hear his predecessor’s name mentioned。 Anything that belonged to him has been dispensed with。 To the children he says: “That man is dead and gone。 I’m your father now。”
  And then there was the Connemara workman; chatting away whilst plastering my kitchen。 Having mentioned in passing that his wife had been left widowed with two little boys; he made the odd friendly reference to Jimmy; their dad。
  “You knew him?” I asked。 He shook his head。 “We never met。 But I have a feeling he’s still with us; somehow; looking down from afar。” Then; smiling; he went on: “And I say to him; don’t you worry; ’m here。 I’m looking after them for you。”
  I looked on; impressed; as he bent to refill his trowel。
  “She fell out of love with me;” sighs a man; apparently accepting this as a regrettable but perfectly valid reason for his partner in life to have abandoned him。 As if ‘being in love’; an emotional state as volatile as any mood; were a prerequisite to staying loyal。
  “He replaced me with a younger model;” sniffs a middle…aged wife; fighting off bitter memories of the passion experienced early on in her marriage; before the friction and trivia of everyday life wore it all away; revealing nothing but a vacuum underneath。
  The person who has no explanation to offer is one who had settled for a safe; rational union based on mental affinity and mutual interests; but came to see the other half suddenly; inconceivably; after years of congenial living; make a bid for freedom。
  It seems that neither emotions; physical attraction nor mon sense can be depended upon to keep a couple together。 So what does it take for two people to maintain a life…long devotion? Is it love – undying love? Is there such a thing? Or is that love a function of something else?
  At the end of the day; it may all e down to values。 A relationship is only as sound; and as lasting; as the values shared by the two individuals involved。

Love 爱(1)
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