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The Rainbow-虹(英文版)-第37章

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〃What don't I know?〃

〃What things mean。〃

〃And what does it mean?〃

He was reluctant to answer her。 He found it difficult。

〃What does it mean?〃 she insisted。

〃It means the triumph of the Resurrection。〃

She hesitated; baffled; a fear came upon her。 What were these
things? Something dark and powerful seemed to extend before her。
Was it wonderful after all?

But no……she refused it。

〃Whatever it may pretend to mean; what it is is a silly
absurd toy…lamb with a Christmas…tree flag ledged on its
paw……and if it wants to mean anything else; it must look
different from that。〃

He was in a state of violent irritation against her。 Partly
he was ashamed of his love for these things; he hid his passion
for them。 He was ashamed of the ecstasy into which he could
throw himself with these symbols。 And for a few moments he hated
the lamb and the mystic pictures of the Eucharist; with a
violent; ashy hatred。 His fire was put out; she had thrown cold
water on it。 The whole thing was distasteful to him; his mouth
was full of ashes。 He went out cold with corpse…like anger;
leaving her alone。 He hated her。 He walked through the white
snow; under a sky of lead。

And she wept again; in bitter recurrence of the previous
gloom。 But her heart was easy……oh; much more easy。

She ake it up with him when he came
home again。 He was black and surly; but abated。 She had broken a
little of something in him。 And at length he was glad to forfeit
from his soul all his symbols; to have her making love to him。
He loved it when she put her head on his knee; and he had not
asked her to or wanted her to; he loved her when she put her
arms round him and made bold love to him; and he did not make
love to her。 He felt a strong blood in his limbs again。

And she loved the intent; far look of his eyes when they
rested on her: intent; yet far; not near; not with her。 And she
wanted to bring them near。 She wanted his eyes to e to hers;
to know her。 And they would not。 They remained intent; and far;
and proud; like a hawk's naive and inhuman as a hawk's。 So she
loved him and caressed him and roused him like a hawk; till he
was keen and instant; but without tenderness。 He came to her
fierce and hard; like a hawk striking and taking her。 He was no
mystic any more; she was his aim and object; his prey。 And she
was carried off; and he was satisfied; or satiated at last。

Then immediately she began to retaliate on him。 She too was a
hawk。 If she imitated the pathetic plover running plaintive to
him; that was part of the game。 When he; satisfied; moved with a
proud; insolent slouch of the body and a half…contemptuous drop
of the head; unaware of her; ignoring her very existence; after
taking his fill of her and getting his satisfaction of her; her
soul roused; its pinions became like steel; and she struck at
him。 When he sat on his perch glancing sharply round with
solitary pride; pride eminent and fierce; she dashed at him and
threw him from his station savagely; she goaded him from his
keen dignity of a male; she harassed him from his unperturbed
pride; till he was mad with rage; his light brown eyes burned
with fury; they saw her now; like flames of anger they flared at
her and recognized her as the enemy。

Very good; she was the enemy; very good。 As he prowled round
her; she watched him。 As he struck at her; she struck back。

He was angry because she had carelessly pushed away his tools
so that they got rusty。

〃Don't leave them littering in my way; then;〃 she said。

〃I shall leave them where I like;〃 he cried。

〃Then I shall throw them where I like。〃

They glowered at each other; he with rage in his hands; she
with her soul fierce with victory。 They were very well matched。
They would fight it out。

She turned to her sewing。 Immediately the tea…things were
cleared away; she fetched out the stuff; and his soul rose in
rage。 He hated beyond measure to hear the shriek of calico as
she tore the web sharply; as if with pleasure。 And the run of
the sewing…machine gathered a frenzy in him at last。

〃Aren't you going to stop that row?〃 he shouted。 〃Can't you
do it in the daytime?〃

She looked up sharply; hostile from her work。

〃No; I can't do it in the daytime。 I have other things to do。
Besides; I like sewing; and you're not going to stop me doing

Whereupon she turned back to her arranging; fixing;
stitching; his nerves jumped with anger as the sewing…machine
started and stuttered and buzzed。

But she was enjoying herself; she was triumphant and happy as
the darting needle danced ecstatically down a hem; drawing the
stuff along under its vivid stabbing; irresistibly。 She made the
machine hum。 She stopped it imperiously; her fingers were deft
and swift and mistress。

If he sat behind her stiff with impotent rage it only made a
trembling vividness e into her energy。 On she worked。 At last
he went to bed in a rage; and lay stiff; away from her。 And she
turned her back on him。 And in the morning they did not speak;
except in mere cold civilities。

And when he came home at night; his heart relenting and
growing hot for love of her; when he was just ready to feel he
had been wrong; and when he was expecting her to feel the same;
there she sat at the sewing…machine; the whole house was covered
with clipped calico; the kettle was not even on the fire。

She started up; affecting concern。

〃Is it so late?〃 she cried。

But his face had gone stiff with rage。 He walked through to
the parlour; then he walked back and out of the house again。 Her
heart sank。 Very swiftly she began to make his tea。

He went black…hearted down the road to Ilkeston。 When he was
in this state he never thought。 A bolt shot across the doors of
his mind and shut him in; a prisoner。 He went back to Ilkeston;
and drank a glass of beer。 What was he going to do? He did not
want to see anybody。

He would go to Nottingham; to his own town。 He went to the
station and took a train。 When he got to Nottingham; still he
had nowhere to go。 However; it was more agreeable to walk
familiar streets。 He paced them with a mad restlessness; as if
he were running amok。 Then he turned to a book…shop and found a
book on Bamberg Cathedral。 Here was a discovery! here was
something for him! He went into a quiet restaurant to look at
his treasure。 He lit up with thrills of bliss as he turned from
picture to picture。 He had found something at last; in these
carvings。 His soul had great satisfaction。 Had he not e out
to seek; and had he not found! He was in a passion of
fulfilment。 These were the finest carvings; statues; he had ever
seen。 The book lay in his hands like a doorway。 The world around
was only an enclosure; a room。 But he was going away。 He
lingered over the lovely statues of women。 A marvellous;
finely…wrought universe crystallized out around him as he looked
again; at the crowns; the twining hair; the woman…faces。 He
liked all the better the unintelligible text of the German。 He
preferred things he could not understand with the mind。 He loved
the undiscovered and the undiscoverable。 He pored over the
pictures intensely。 And these were wooden statues;
〃Holz〃……he believed that meant wood。 Wooden statues so
shapen to his soul! He was a million times gladdened。 How
undiscovered the world was; how it revealed itself to his soul!
What a fine; exciting thing his life was; at his hand! Did not
Bamberg Cathedral make the world his own? He celebrated his
triumphant strength and life and verity; and embraced the vast
riches he was inheriting。

But it was about time to go home。 He had better catch a
train。 All the time there was a steady bruise at the bottom of
his soul; but so steady as to be forgettable。 He caught a train
for Ilkeston。

It was ten o'clock as he was mounting the hill to Cossethay;
carrying his limp book on Bamberg Cathedral。 He had not yet
thought of Anna; not definitely。 The dark finger pressing a
bruise controlled him thoughtlessly。

Anna had started guiltily when he left the house。 She had
hastened preparing the tea; hoping he would e back。 She had
made some toast; and got all ready。 Then he didn't e。 She
cried with vexation and disappointment。 Why had he gone? Why
couldn't he e back now? Why was it such a battle between
them? She loved him……she did love him……why couldn't he
be kinder to her; nicer to her?

She waited in distress……then her mood grew harder。 He
passed out of her thoughts。 She had considered indignantly; what
right he had to interfere with her sewing? She had indignantly
refuted his right to interfere with her at all。 She was not to
be interfered with。 Was she not herself; and he the

Yet a quiver of fear went through her。 If he should leave
her? She sat conjuring fears and sufferings; till she wept with
very self…pity。 She did not know what she would do if he left
her; or if he turned against her。 The thought of it chilled her;
made her desolate and hard。 And against him; the stranger; the
outsider; the being who wanted to arrogate authority; she
remained steadily fortified。 Was she not herself? How could one
who was not of her own kind presume with authority? She knew she
was immutable; unchangeable; sh
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