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Sentinel support; wouldn’t you say?”
The man on the other end of the vox was Captain Munzer。 Bergen could picture the grin on the
man’s scar…twisted face as he replied; “Sentinel’s moving to intercept; sir。 We’ll light the bastards
up。 Enjoy the show。”
Seconds later; Bergen saw Munzer’s bipedal machines lope out from behind a rocky hill to the
left and open fire。 Each of the Cadian Sentinels sported an autocannon; ideal for ripping right
through their current targets。 Ork bodies were torn apart in the deadly hail。 Fuel tanks ignited and
the speeding buggies flipped and spun; rolling end over end; spilling the xenos filth onboard。
He couldn’t hear them; but Bergen could see the infantry cheering the Sentinel pilots。 The cheers
stopped dead when five of the Sentinels vanished suddenly in a great ball of flame。 A row of ugly
black machines had emerged from Karavassa to join the fray。 More ork artillery! The surviving
Sentinels immediately turned to identify their attackers; but the range was far too great to strike
back。 Over the vox; Bergen heard Captain Munzer ordering his walkers to scatter so they wouldn’t
provide such an opportune target again。
“Command to Armour;” voxed Bergen urgently; “be advised; we have additional ork artillery
pushing out from the main gates。 What’s your status?”
My status; thought Colonel Kochatkis Vinnemann; is that my back is bloody killing me。
He cursed his own stupidity。 As he and his men had neared the outpost; completely preoccupied
with the coming battle; he had neglected to take the vital medication that counteracted his body’s
immune system。 It had been years since the implant surgery; but his body still steadfastly refused to
accept the augmetic spine。 He needed large; regular doses of immunosuppressants and pain
mediators in order to function at his best。 But there wasn’t time to stop and take them now。
“Division; we are still engaged with hostile tanks。 Ninth company is down to half strength。
Fourth and Fifth companies have taken multiple losses。 We’re trying to push in; to flank the buggers
on the right; sir; but the damned artillery… I’ll ask one more time; sir; will you not put some
Basilisk fire down behind those walls? It would make one hell of a difference。”
“That’s a negative; colonel;” Bergen answered with obvious regret。 “The objective must be
taken intact。 We have enemy artillery fire from just outside the main gates。 I need one of your
companies to knock it out。 I know you’re up against it; colonel。 It’s damned messy out there。 But do
what you can。”
By the blasted Eye; cursed Vinnemann。 “Understood; Division。 We’re on it。 Armour; out。”
He tapped a button on his headset; switching from vox to tank intercom。
“Listen up;” he told his crew。 “Our troops are hurting out there。 Not just our tankers; but
Marrenburg’s lot; Graves’ lot。 So it looks like the Angel gets to enter the fray after all。”
This announcement was met with resounding cheers from his crew。 To some extent;
Vinnemann’s tank; Angel of the Apocalypse; was a victim of her own superb design。 She was a
Shadowsword super…heavy tank; ancient and deadly; but her Volcano cannon; with its nine…metre
barrel; had originally been designed for felling traitor Titans and the like。 She was far too specialised
to warrant being fielded in most conventional battles; including this one。
Today; though; she would get to show what she could do。
The very thought of it was almost enough to overcome the pain in Vinnemann’s back。
“Bekker;” he said; addressing his driver; “get us behind that ridge on the right。 Hull down; but
leave plenty of clearance for the gun。 The rest of you; prep for firing。 We’re about to make things
interesting around here。”
With a great chugging cough from her exhausts; Angel of the Apocalypse rumbled into motion。
Bergen saw Vinnemann’s massive Shadowsword roar towards a shallow rise and settle into firing
position。 The ork artillery pieces had turned their attention to the infantry’s forward lines。 The
bodies of good Cadian men were being blasted apart to rain back down to the ground in ragged
pieces。 Scores of them were dying with every lethal shot; and the greenskins on foot were using the
cover of the artillery fire to bridge the gap; hungry for the slaughter that would take place at close
quarters。 Elsewhere; Vinnemann’s tanks were holding their own against the technically inferior but
far more numerous ork machines。 Smoking wrecks littered the land; providing cover for small
groups of terrified men who had lost their nerve。 Through his field glasses; Bergen saw one such
group huddled together; eyes shut tight; hands pressed over their ears。 It was hard to see through all
the smoke and fire; but they were clearly green。 New meat。
Where in the blasted warp was their sergeant?
If their regimental commissar noticed them huddled there; frozen in fear and panic; they
wouldn’t live to become old meat。 Executions for cowardice were swift and brutal。 There were no
appeals。 Bergen didn’t like executions; but it was the way of the Guard: do your duty and die well;
or run from it and die without honour。
He pitied them。 It was easy to lose your balance when everything around you was going to hell。
He voxed Colonel Graves。 “Division to Infantry Command。 It looks like some of your rookies have
lost their officer。 Check those burning tanks on your ten o’clock; Graves。 Get someone over there。
Get them back in the fight。 If the orks find them first they’ll be massacred。”
Colonel Graves’ response was brief and affirmative。 Seconds later; Bergen saw a squad push left
and join the huddled men。 His attention was diverted; however; by a high…pitched whine that rose
from the right。 He had heard its like before; though on regrettably rare occasions。 Hearing it now
caused a thrill to run through him。 He immediately panned his glasses towards Vinnemann’s
Shadowsword and saw a white glow forming at the muzzle of her huge cannon。 Knowing what was
to come; he turned his eyes towards the black artillery pieces by the outpost gates。 Over…muscled
greenskin gunnery crews were hefting shells the size of oil drums into the breech of each huge gun;
readying to pulverise the advancing Cadian lines once again。
There was an almighty crack; like a clap of thunder; so close that Bergen felt it resonate deep in
his bones。 Everything in the area outside the outpost’s main gates was engulfed in blinding white
light。 Bergen thought he saw the shot hit the row of greenskin war machines at an angle; cutting
across them diagonally; but he could only watch for a fraction of a second。 Looking directly at the
beam was painful; and he squeezed his eyes shut。
A glowing afterimage of the Volcano’s lethal beam remained behind his eyelids。 When he
opened his eyes again; he saw that a good number of the enemy machines had ceased to exist。
Bubbling pools of liquid metal were the only trace left。 Others; though not struck directly; would no
longer be firing on his men。 Their crews had been roasted to ash。 The raw heat of the Volcano beam
striking the neighbouring guns was simply too intense to survive。
The Cadian infantry had seen it all happen。 A great cheer sounded from the battlefield as their
spirits were lifted; and they surged forward; inspired by the incredible display of power they had
witnessed from their own side。 Bergen could feel it on the air; the special moment that every
commander awaited so anxiously。 It was the beginning of the end。
He voxed Vinnemann。 “Division to Armour Command。 Hell of a shot; Kochatkis。 Hell of a shot。
That showed the filthy savages。”
Vinnemann answered through gasping breaths。 “Thank you; sir。 Great to fire up the old Volcano
cannon again after so long。 She’s drained the tanks; though。 And we lost two capacitors。 We’ll need
a Trojan over here for a refuel。”
“Are you all right; man? You sound…”
“Don’t worry about me; sir;” replied Vinnemann。 “It’s just the usual。 I’ll deal with it when this is
Bergen was scanning the field of combat; watching his forces surge forward; taking a murderous
toll on the foe。
“You won’t have to wait long; Kochatkis。 Our lads are really pressing forward now。 You’ve
inspired them; by Terra。 They’re cutting into the ork lines like a bayonet through butter。”
It was no lie。 The greenskins’ brute strength and instinct for battle simply weren’t enough to
hold off the well…coordinated Imperial forces any longer。
Within the hour; the walls of Karavassa were breached。
Gunfire still stuttered here and there along Karavassa’s narrow streets; but the sounds of battle were
little more than faint echoes of the madness and bloodshed that had now passed。 The outpost had
been retaken。 Bergen had achieved his objective。 General deViers had the first of the positions that
would defend his supply and transport routes between Hadron Base and his intended destination in
the east。
One of Colonel Marrenburg’s mechanised platoons had found and killed the ork leader; an
abomination of preposterous size and musculature; while securing the old Imperial communications
building at the heart of the outpost。 Bergen had been invited to