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Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第11章

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'First; I'm going to give you all a rundown on what we've been seeing from here。 Now; I'll be fast; so keep up; and if I ask a
question you'd better answer me quickly。 But if you want to ask any questions; wait until I'm done。'
Taking the officers' silence as assent; Vauban turned to a large scale map of the citadel and its surrounding environs that had
appeared on the slate behind him。 Jericho Falls was highlighted in red; while the citadel; Tor Christo and the underground tunnel
between the two were picked out in green。
'As you can see; the enemy have taken Jericho Falls and has denied us any hope of utilising the facilities there。 This also precludes
us from expecting any air cover or superiority。'
Vauban turned to face Gunnar Tedeski。 'How many aircraft were based there; Major Tedeski?'
The stocky major was a small man; an ex…Marauder pilot with one arm and a crudely cauterised right eye socket of burnt flesh。
Shot down whilst strafing an ork convoy; he had been taken prisoner and tortured by the greenskins before being rescued by
warriors from the Ultramarines Fourth company。
Tedeski answered without consulting his notes。 'Five squadrons of Lightnings and four of Marauders。 A total of one hundred and
twelve aircraft; mostly air interceptors and; we suspect; mostly destroyed。'
'Very well; so at least we can be fairly sure that the enemy won't be using our own craft against us。 Anyway; putting that to one
side for now; we still have the logistical and strategic advantage。 How long that con—'
'Excuse me; Colonel Vauban;' interrupted Magos Naicin; 'but can you explain how you arrived at such a conclusion? It is my
understanding that we have lost the one lifeline we had to the outside world and now the enemy is using our own facilities to land
yet more troops and war machines。 I fail to see how this is to our advantage。'
Vauban didn't bother to hide his annoyance; leaning on the lectern and speaking as though to a particularly stupid junior officer。
'Magos Naicin; you are a man of science; not war; so you cannot be expected to understand; but it is plain to me that this attack on
our citadel cannot succeed。 We have over 20;000 soldiers; a brigade of armoured vehicles and a demi…legion of the Legio Ignatum
at our disposal。 I know this fortress and have read the journals of its former castellans。 The kill ratio for the citadel's bastions is; at
worst; four to one and I am sure that even you will admit that such numbers are beyond the pale of what we can expect from any
Naicin bristled at such a dismissive answer; and Vauban returned to the view…slate。 Troop dispositions flashed up onto the screen;
and Vauban pointed to each glowing icon in turn。 'Our forces are dispersed throughout the main commands。 Battalion C is based
here along with Battalion B; altogether some 12;000 soldiers and 900 armoured vehicles。 Battalion A was split between Jericho
Falls and Tor Christo; and; taking into account the losses suffered at Jericho Falls; the battalion now stands at a little under 7;000
men; all currently based in Tor Christo。'
The viewscreen changed again as enemy troop positions and strengths were overlaid on the map。
'As to the enemy; we know that since the battle at the Falls; very little has moved out of the spaceport。 As to their numbers we can
only guess; but we're assuming they can't have more than 30 to 40;000 soldiers; well armed and; right now; well motivated and
Vauban paused to let the hugeness of the number sink in; pleased to note the absence of any fear in his audience。
'Right then; so that's the situation; as far as we can understand it。 Now I want each of you to give the rest of us a quick update on
your commands。 Nothing fancy; and be honest。 If your unit's a mess; short of supplies or otherwise below par then I need to know
about it。 Understood?'
Vauban addressed the flickering; holographic figure of Magos Amaethon at the end of the table。 'Arch Magos Amaethon; you are
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
closer to the workings of this fort than most men; is there anything I need to know?'
The image of the arch magos fluttered on the holo and Vauban was about to repeat his question when Amaethon answered; his
voice wavering and unsure。
'I believe we must hit hard and hit quickly… yes。 This citadel is strong… but any fortress will ultimately fall unless it is assured of
relief; you see。 We are on borrowed time unless we know that reinforcements are on their way to us。 We must strive to hold out
until reinforcements can arrive。'
'Very well; you all heard the magos。 I want full ammo inventories by tomorrow morning from every station。 Now normally I don't
like reacting to an enemy's moves; it gives him the initiative and keeps us on our back foot。 However; in this instance; I don't think
we've got much choice。'
Vauban turned to his battalion commanders。 'Gunnar; Piet; Morgan? What's the status of your units?'
Piet Anders was the first to answer。 'Sir; we'll teach those curs a thing or two about fighting; upon my soul we shall! Battalion C
will send those heretic dogs packing with their tails between their legs before they even get to see the walls of the citadel。'
'As will Battalion A;' snapped Tedeski。
Vauban smiled; pleased at the aggressive spirit of his officers。
'Very well。 Good work。'
The officers saluted; eager to please their commanding officer and anxious to see some action。
The castellan of the citadel continued his briefing; emphasising each point with a jab of his fist as he circled the table。
'Major Tedeski will continue to hold Tor Christo; reinforced by two artillery platoons from each of the other battalions。 I want to
lay as much ordnance on these fraggers as we can before they even get near the citadel。 Major Kristan; you will hold the Vincare
bastion while Major Anders holds the Mori bastion。 Elements from both your battalions will take rotations in the Primus Ravelin;
falling under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Leonid。'
Vauban's officers nodded as he outlined more of his plans。
'We are in for a hard fight; gentlemen; and we won't do ourselves any favours by giving the enemy any respite。 Assuming I can get
Princeps Fierach of the Legio Ignatum to agree to my proposals; I intend to use his Titans and our armoured companies to take the
fight to the enemy when a suitable opportunity arises and allow them neither time nor peace to complete their works。 The longer
we can delay the enemy's advance and keep him from reaching the walls of the citadel; the more time we give reinforcements to
Leonid leaned forwards; resting his elbows on the table and said; 'How soon before we can reasonably expect reinforcements to
'I can answer that;' replied Magos Naicin。 'With your permission; Castellan Vauban?'
Vauban nodded his assent and the magos continued。
'Before the capture of Jericho Falls; the Adeptus Magos stationed there was able to despatch a coded communique with the highest
priority prefix。 This will be received by all nearby Adeptus Mechanicus outposts very soon。 The security prefix I detected on the
message should engender the swiftest response。'
'And how soon will that be?' pressed Leonid。
'It is impossible to say with any degree of certainty。 Travel over such distances is fraught with all manner of variables and there
are many factors that could adversely affect the arrival of our reinforcements。'
'Your best guess then。'
Naicin shrugged and sighed; the sound like a burst of static from his vox…amp。
'Perhaps seventy days; no more than one hundred。'
Leonid nodded; though he was clearly unhappy with the answer he'd received。
'Have we despatched another message from the Star Chamber here? In case the first message does not get through。'
Magos Naicin shuffled uncomfortably; glancing over at the holographic form of his master before continuing。 'Unfortunately we
have been having some problems with encoding messages for transit recently and the Star Chamber is… currently unavailable to
us at this time。'
Regaining his composure; Naicin said; 'Do not let this concern you; major。 It may be that our foes can defeat us by sheer weight of
numbers; but that will take them time。 Time they do not have if we have reinforcements on the way。 They will be reckless with the
knowledge that time presses upon them; making them careless。 This works to our advantage。'
Naicin sat back as Vauban returned to his seat。
'Alright; gentlemen; are we clear on what we're all doing? We're going to have to be sharp and quick。 And we can't afford any
mistakes; so keep your rifle close and your sword sharp。 Any questions?'
There were none; and Vauban continued。 'Make no mistake; the threat we face here is very real。 The coming conflict will demand
the best of you and your men。 The price of victory will be high; damnably high; and it is a sacrifice we must all be willing to
make。 Now let's go。 We have a battle to fight。'
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
BLOODY; BROKEN AND dejected; the column of men and women shuffled up the road that led from Jericho Falls spaceport to the
plateau above。 Their heads were cast down: many were grievously wounded and would soon be dead without medical attention。
The Iron Wa
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