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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第10章

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exponentially; engulfing its nearest planets。 Even as it grew in size; it was diminished in mass; and
the outer planets circling it began to pull further away; its gravitational hold over them weakening。
Now it burnt the colour of hell itself; but in another billion years it would be no more。
The Infidus Diabolus dropped closer to the hellish; glowing corona; buffeted by solar winds。
There; with intense spikes of radiation spilling around her hull; she drew anchor。
“I would hear your council; revered Warmonger;” said Marduk。 He ran the fingers of his hand
thoughtfully along the surface of a stone column。 A cold wind gusted through the darkness; tugging
at Marduk’s cloak; and a mechanical scream of insane rage echoed from deeper within the crypt。
Marduk and Kol Badar stood beneath the shadow of a wide archway; facing into a cavernous
alcove set into the side of the expansive passageway。 They were deep within the depths of the
Infidus Diabolus; in the undercroft that housed those warriors of the Host that had long ago fallen in
holy battle; but had not been allowed to pass on into blessed oblivion。
The damned warriors lived on in the deepest labyrinthine catacombs of the strike cruiser;
condemned to a tortured limbo; neither living nor dead; the shattered remnants of their earthly forms
interred in great sarcophagi that they might serve the Host even after their time had long passed。
A delicate mural decorated the back wall of the alcove; detailing the great moments of the
Warmonger’s life before he had been condemned to an eternity of servitude within the towering
mechanical form of a Dreadnought。
Once he had been amongst Lorgar’s most favoured and devout chaplains; the first Dark Apostle
of the 34th Company Host that Marduk now led。 He had fought alongside the god primarchs; and
counted such exalted heroes as Erebus; Kor Phaeron and Abaddon as his battle…brothers。 Marduk
had listened in awe to the scratchy vox…recordings of his passionate sermons; and had pored over a
thousand volumes of his thoughtful scripture; and his fiery rhetoric and hate…filled sermons never
failed to inspire。
Though the other warriors interred within the Dreadnoughts of the Host had long ago lost any
semblance of sanity; cursed as they were and unable to attain oblivion yet denied the physical
sensations of holy war; the Warmonger retained a coherent self…awareness; and was a source of
great wisdom and council。
It was his unshakeable faith that kept him lucid。 Holy Erebus had once said; the power and
conviction of his rapturous belief that kept him from toppling off the precipice into madness。
A thousand blood…candles ringed the mighty Warmonger; tended day and night by a pair of
slave…proselytes to ensure that the flames never died; and their light cast a divine glow over the
Dreadnought’s sarcophagus。
It towered over Marduk; even Kol Badar; standing over five metres tall with the armoured
sarcophagus that held the Dark Apostle’s shattered remains at its heart。 The Dreadnought stood on
squat; powerful legs; and immense arms bearing ancient heavy weapons systems were held
immobile at its side。
For hundreds of years at a time the Warmonger stood motionless within its own death shrine;
lost in contemplation; waiting for holy battle to be joined once more。
“It is pleasing to my soul to see you once more; First Acolyte Marduk;” boomed the
Warmonger; its voice a deep reverberating baritone; the words spoken slowly and deliberately; “and
you; Kol Badar; finest of my captains。”
The two warriors bowed their heads in deference。
“The loss of Jarulek pains me;” continued the Warmonger。 “Though in you I see a worthy
successor; young disciple Marduk。”
“Jaruilek’s death cuts me deeply as well; revered Warmonger;” said Marduk。 A slight smile
curled his lips as he felt Kol Badar’s anger at his words。 “I am honoured to fill the role of religious
leader of the Host; though I feel… unworthy of such a hallowed duty。”
“It is only right that you step into the breach and guide the flock;” said the Warmonger。 “Your
star is in the ascendant。 Feel not unworthy of the duty; be humbled by it; but never doubt your right
to serve。 The gods have ordained it。”
Marduk turned his head to Kol Badar and smiled。
“I fear that some amongst the Host feel I am not ready for such an exalted position; my lord;” he
“Tolerate no insubordination; First Acolyte;” boomed the Warmonger。 “Crucify any who seed
dissent; for theirs are the voices of poison and doubt。”
“I shall heed your council in this matter; revered one;” said Marduk。
“You are walking the black path; Marduk;” said the Warmonger。 “You are the dark disciple;
moving towards the light of truth; and you shall; in time; be granted enlightenment。 You did not;
however; come here for my acceptance; for you already know that you have it。 What is it you would
ask of me?”
“I had wished to descend on the Imperial world of Perdus Skylla with the full force of the Host;
laying waste to the world and claiming that which is needed。 While it pleases me to see the
Imperium weakened in their battles with the xenos; for it will make our eventual victory in the Long
War come all the sooner; the size of the battlefleet here in this sector forces me to change my
intentions。 Mighty as she is; the Infidus Diabolus would not survive long enough to get us to the
Imperial moon。”
“I say we abandon this fool’s errand here and now;” growled Kol Badar。 “Let us return to
Sicarus and leave the Imperials to wage their war against the xenos hive…creatures。 We will recoup
our strength in the Eye while the Imperium suffers。”
“Kol Badar speaks; as always; with wisdom;” said the Warmonger; and for a moment Marduk
thought he had horribly misjudged the way this conversation would go。 He felt a flicker of unease at
having instigated it in the presence of the Coryphaus as Kol Badar flashed him a look of triumph。
“And yet;” continued the Warmonger; “Jarulek saw in the xenos device something of great
import。 He was always a gifted zealot and the power of his gods…gifted dream visions were stronger
than my own。 If he saw that the item was worth waging war for; then it is an artefact of great
importance; and is destined to further the spread of the holy Word of Truth。”
“We already have the device in our possession;” said Kol Badar。 “We need not tarry here and
risk it further。”
“We have the device; that is true;” admitted Marduk; “but as it is; it is worthless to us; its secrets
are locked within it。 It is nothing more than a xenos curio; an inert and useless sphere of metal。”
“The chirumeks of the Legion will unlock its secrets; whatever they may be;” said Kol Badar。
I will not return to Sicarus in anything but glory; thought Marduk fiercely; glaring at the
Coryphaus。 Were he to return empty…handed; he feared that the council would not endorse his rise to
Dark Apostle。 With the secrets of the Nexus Arrangement unlocked and his to command; they
would be forced to heap honour upon him。
“You know that the knowledge that will unlock the device will be attained upon this Imperial
world?” asked the Warmonger。
“I do;” said Marduk。 “It is held within the mind of a servant of the false Machine…God。”
“You base that belief only on the word of another servant of the Machine…God;” snarled Kol
Badar。 “The Enslaved’s loyalty does not lie with the Legion。 For all you know; he may be leading us
into a trap; to deliver the device unto his Mechanicus brethren。”
“The Enslaved is mine;” growled Marduk。 “It has no will of its own any more。 It is not capable
of such duplicity。”
“Speak with respect to your First Acolyte; Kol Badar;” chided the Warmonger。 “Marduk; if you
trust the knowledge you have; then the path is clear。”
“The Infidus Diabolus cannot approach Perdus Skylla;” said Kol Badar; changing tack。 “If
anything; we should return to the Eye and gather the Hosts to our cause。 Then we can return; and
take the moon by force。”
“The xenos threat will have obliterated it by then;” snapped Marduk。 “We have both seen worlds
ravaged by their kind; nothing is left behind。 The secrets will be lost forever。”
“You do not need my council; then; disciple Marduk。 Kol Badar; if brute force will not suffice;
explore more subtle ways of gaining victory for your First Acolyte。”
Marduk smiled as he saw Kol Badar’s jaw twitch in anger。
“As always; Warmonger; you are the voice of wisdom;” said Marduk; bowing。 “My purpose is
clear; you have allayed my fears and stripped away the shadow of doubt。 I am confident that my
loyal Coryphaus will find a way forward。”
“One last thing; Marduk。 I am disturbed that there are those within the Legion who doubt your
holy right to lead them。 I would have it known that I fully endorse your appointment。”
The Warmonger shifted its immense weight; servos and gyro…compensators hissing。 It turned on
the spot; each step making the floor shudder; and reached out with its immense power…claw;
scooping something up in its grasp。 Then it turned back towards Marduk; and the First Acolyte
strained to see what the Warmonger held。
The sickle…bladed talons of the Dreadnought’s power claw open
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