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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第16章

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pausing as he climbed; like a dark stain upon the noble eagle’s body。 The wind howled around him;
buffeting him and threatening to rip him loose; and ice and snow drove into him at gale force。
Climbing swiftly and surely; he scurried up the curving neck like a spider until he was directly
below the head。 With a snarl he sprang out; twisting in mid…air; and one hand locked around a
feathered grip three metres higher。 Without pause; he continued up beneath the immense head;
crawling upside down along the underside of the monolith。 He paused as he reached the beak; for
the stone was as smooth as glass and there were no handholds。 He changed the angle of his climb;
and scrambled up the vertical eagle head; being careful to stay out of sight of the shining eye; and
pulled himself atop the massive structure。
Oblivious to the danger the winds presented as they assailed him; Burias threw his head back
and roared into the gale。
Dropping to a crouch; Burias made his way on all fours towards the eagle’s shining eye。
Cautiously; he peered inside。
He saw a man sitting at a desk; an almost completely empty decanter of dark liquid in front of
him。 By his manner of dress; he was clearly a high…ranking official; and another man; young and
awkward; stood at his side。 The two appeared to be engrossed in conversation; and they did not
notice the daemonic vision of the possessed warrior glaring in at them。 There were two exits from
the room: an elevator lift that would descend into the body of the aquila; and a heavy blast door。
Climbing backwards; Burias…Drak’shal reached the top once more; looking down。 On the back
of the eagle head; fifteen metres lower; was a protected platform where a small shuttle was docked;
and where the blast door led。
Burias…Drak’shal perched some ten metres above the blast door; and settled down to wait。 If any
eye had been able to pierce the darkness and the howling gale he would have looked like a malicious
gargoyle; crouching motionless as he awaited his prey。
“In position;” he growled; his fang…filled mouth forming the words awkwardly。
“Received; Burias…Drak’shal;” replied Marduk。 The snow settled over him; so that only his
baleful skull…faced visage peered from beneath the white blanket; his black eyes staring hatefully at
the enemy structure。
“217th Havoc coterie; split;” Kol Badar ordered。 “Heavy weapons; hold position。 Namar…sin;
move the rest of your squad forward to support the First Acolyte; and ready melta…bombs。 Move on
the First Acolyte’s word。”
“Forwards on me;” motioned Marduk as Namar…sin and three of his coterie emerged from the
blanketing gale behind him; crawling stealthily forwards; their horned helmets covered in a thick
layer of snow。
Marduk resumed his advance; inching his way forwards。 Imperial sweeps arced across the ice
three times; and the Word Bearers froze each time; instantly cutting relay feeds and voxtransmissions
to make themselves all but invisible。
The distance to the closest turret was no more than twenty metres; and the bastion gate was less
than forty。 Metre by metre; Marduk and his chosen brethren crept forwards。 The wind suddenly
dropped; and warning sensors flashed in Marduk’s helmet。 Without the interference of the billowing
ice…crystals in the air; the turrets swung towards the Word Bearers and opened fire。
A fraction of a second before the autocannons unleashed their fury; Marduk rolled to the side
and high…calibre rounds ripped up the ground where he had lain。 One of the Havoc Space Marines
was hit by the opening salvo; his helmet smashing apart beneath the heavy weapons fire; staining the
snow with his blood。
“Now;” barked Marduk into his vox…relay; and a beam of light stabbed out of the storm as one of
the heavy weapon…armed Havocs of the 217th coterie fired his las…cannon; and one of the turrets fell
silent。 A stream of white…hot plasma engulfed another turret; and plasteel and rockcrete ran like
liquid as it was destroyed。
Marduk was up and running; roaring a catechism of devotion as he unslung his chainsword。
Autocannon rounds screamed past him; and one of them clipped his shoulder; jerking him to the
side; but not halting his progress。 Another lascannon beam stabbed from the gale; and a third turret
was destroyed; detonating from within as its ammunition cache was hit。 The resulting explosion
threw chunks of rock in all directions。 Marduk swayed his head to the side as a piece of red…hot
rockcrete the size of a man hurtled past him。
Marduk was five metres from the last remaining turret; and he threw himself forwards into a roll
as its barrels swung towards him; spitting a torrent of high…velocity rounds。 He came up to his feet
beneath it; and grabbed one of the barrels。 Servo…muscles straining; he pushed upwards with all his
might; overextending the automated turret housing; exposing cabling and ammo feeds。 Sparks
spattered off Marduk’s skull…faced helmet; and he slashed his chainsword across the turret’s
internals。 The whirring chain links tore through the cables; and oil gushed like blood。 Releasing his
grip on the barrel of the weapon; the turret flopped lifelessly to the side。
More turrets; higher up on the bastion’s face; were opening fire; raining down a hail of gunfire;
which was answered by the heavy weapons fire of those warrior brothers further back。 One of
Namar…sin’s coterie was caught in a fusillade from two directions; and fell to one knee as his body
was pierced a dozen times。 Still; he refused to fall; and pushing himself back to his feet; he ran on
towards the bastion gates。
Bullets glanced off Marduk’s shoulder plates; and a round caught him in the chest; knocking him
back a step; though it did not penetrate his thick ceramite armour。 With a hiss of anger; he lurched
forwards; running down the incline towards the bastion gates。 Beneath the overhanging lip; he was
protected from the worst of the fire; and Marduk pulled a melta…bomb loose from a chain around his
waist。 He whispered a prayer to the Great Changer as he primed the potent grenade and slammed it
onto the thick door; placing it over one of the locking mechanisms。 Electromagnets held it firmly in
place; and a red light on the melta…bomb began to flash。
“On approach;” said Kol Badar; his voice overlaid with static and interference。
As another melta…bomb was slammed into place by a warrior of the 217th coterie; the champion
Namar…sin staggered into the protection beneath the gateway; smoking bullet craters across his
armour。 His left arm was gone; blown clear by autocannon fire; and his armour was awash with
“You took your time;” growled Marduk。
“I apologise; my lord;” he said。 The powerful anticoagulants in the warrior’s blood had already
stemmed the flow; and formed a thick crust around the shocking wound。
“I can still do my job;” said Namar…sin defensively; feeling Marduk’s gaze on his injuries。
Gritting his teeth; the champion primed his melta…bomb somewhat awkwardly with one hand; before
slamming the bulky grenade into position。
More lascannon beams stabbed from the ice storm towards the bastion’s defences as the Land
Raiders approached。 In response; the first of the battle cannons spoke; firing blindly into the gale;
the ensuing reverberations shaking the ground。
The melta…bombs detonated; and the metre…thick gates buckled inwards。 The force of the superheated
explosions was directed inwards; searing through the reinforced metal barrier。 It was not
fully breached; but as he lowered the arm that shielded his face; Marduk recognised instantly that its
integrity was compromised。
“Twenty seconds;” said Kol Badar’s voice in Marduk’s helmet。
Lascannons fired from the blinding gale; and then the dark shadow of the first Land Raider
could be seen; driving at speed for the gatehouse。 An explosion slammed into the ice beside the
behemoth; knocking it to the side; and for a second its left…hand tracks lifted; spinning wildly before
it slammed back on the ground and corrected its angle of approach。
Marduk moved to the side; his back to a rockcrete support buttress; as the immense Land Raider
gunned its engines。 Its ancient hide was inscribed with passages from the books of Chaos; and
symbols of devotion and allegiance marred its clotted…blood coloured armour plates。 Autocannon
rounds ricocheted off the Land Raider; unable to penetrate; and heavy bolter rounds were deflected
off its angled plates。 Its side sponsons lit up the darkness as they stabbed into the gates; further
weakening them; and Marduk pressed himself backwards so as not to be struck by the monstrous
battle tank as it dropped down the incline towards the entrance to the bastion。
It slammed into the weakened gates with the force of a battering ram; and they collapsed
inwards。 Another Land Raider bedecked with chains from which severed heads and limbs hung
followed the first; its daemon…headed exhausts spewing black smoke as it roared down the incline
and into the belly of the bastion; followed by the third。 The last of the Land Raiders would hold
position; scanning for any sign of the enemy out on the plain。 With the enemy bastion breached; the
heavy weapons toting Havocs of the 217th coter
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