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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第27章

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slowly drowned on his own blood。 The black fingers remained clasped around his neck almost
lovingly until his heartbeat fluttered and stopped。
Then the black figure released its grip; and the sergeant slid to the ground。
Solon ran towards the control cabin of the ice…crawler; barging workers out of his way。 The sirens in
the claustrophobically narrow hallways were deafening; and he winced and clamped his hands over
his ears as he ran past one of the blaring klaxons。
A burly orderly; his overalls covered in oil; ran into Solon as he rounded a corner; knocking him
back into the wall。
“Sorry; boss;” said the man; helping him back to his feet; and Solon pushed past him。
He vaulted a steel banister; landed on the gantry below and ran on; turning to the right towards
the control cabin。 His boots rang out sharply as he climbed a short flight of stairs; and slammed the
door to the control cabin open。
“What in the hell—” he began; but his words of reproach to the relief driver died in his throat。
A fist…sized hole had burned through the side window of the cabin and driven through the drivemechanics
on the wall opposite; leaving a smoking hole that dripped with molten metal。 The driver
was slumped back in his seat; half his head missing; the devastating blast having clearly passed
through him when it had struck。
Solon gagged at the stink of burnt flesh; but moved into the cabin; trying not to look at the
corpse; and failing。 There was no blood。 Whatever had struck him had cauterised the wound
completely; forming a blackened crust。 The blast had hit him in the temple; and everything in front
of the line drawn between his ears was missing; down to his mouth; which was drawn in an almost
comical expression of shock。
Tearing his gaze away from the corpse; Solon moved to the control console。 It was dead; no
lights flickering along the length of its panel at all; and he swore。 He flicked a few switches;
muttering an entreaty to the Omnissiah; but nothing happened。 He balled his hand into a fist and
stuck the console。
“Come on; damn you;” he swore。
Red warning lights flickered; the needles of the dials wavering back and forth; and Solon let out
a surprised laugh of success。
His small victory was short…lived。 A beam of solid darkness punched through the side of the
control cabin; destroying the console in a shower of sparks。 Cables and wires were fused by the
lance strike and flames exploded outwards with immense force; shattering the already ruptured
plasglass windows of the cabin and hurling Solon backwards through the cabin door。
Thrown backwards down the stairs leading to the cabin; the flesh of his face and arms blistering
from the heat; Solon hit the deck hard。 Frantically; he fought to rip his thermal undershirt off; for the
synthetic material was melting onto his skin。 Shaking the smoking; skintight shirt loose; he hurled it
away from him; and began to stagger back。
The crawler; the closest thing he had to a home since he had been expelled from Sholto guild
eighteen years ago; was beyond redemption。 It was dead; and the vultures were circling outside to
descend on its carcass。
He had to get away。
Rounding a corner; he almost ran headlong into Cholos; with the frightened boy Dios in tow。
“Solon;” began his second; his face panicked。
“Not that way;” he shouted; turning the man around and pushing him before him。 “The crawler’s
done。 We have to get the hell out of here。”
Screams and shouts echoed up through the corridors; and Solon and Cholos fought their way
through panicked workers。 The crew looked to Solon for guidance。
“Get your exposure suits on;” the overseer bellowed。 “We stay here and we are all dead。”
Or as good as; he thought; thinking of the distinct lack of bodies aboard the crippled crawler
they had come across just hours earlier。
“Damn;” swore Cholos。 “My suit。”
“Where is it?” asked Solon。
“In my locker;” answered his second。 “But Solon; the refugees… there are not enough suits for
them all。 We can’t leave them。”
“We stay here and we die。”
“But all those people?”
Solon swore and punched the wall; bruising his knuckles。
“What do you want me to do; Cholos? I can’t save them; and with the generators down; they’re
going to freeze to death as surely in the cargo bays as out on the ice。”
“There must be something we can do;” said Cholos。
“Well; if you come up with something; I’m all ears。 Maybe that bastard Folches can call in
support from the Skyllan Interdiction; or something。 I don’t know。”
Cholos let out a long breath; and rubbed a hand across his face。
“Take Dios; Solon;” he said。 “I’ll meet you down below。 I’ll be quick。”
Solon looked down at the boy; who was staring up at him with wide eyes; and swore。 Cholos
dropped to his knees。
“Go with Solon;” he said slowly to the boy。 “He’ll see you safe。 You understand?” Dios nodded
“That’s the way;” said Cholos; ruffling the boy’s short…cropped hair as he stood once more。 “I
won’t be long。”
“I’ll meet you on deck three;” said Solon。
“I’ll be there; boss;” replied Cholos; giving Solon a tense smile。
“You’d better be;” said Solon; and slapped his second heavily on the shoulder; urging him to
move。 “Go。”
Cholos ducked through a side hatch; and Solon glanced down at Dios once more。
“Come on; boy。 Move;” he said; gruffly。
The boy gave him a salute; his face serious; and the two of them set off towards the cargo bays。
It took them the better part of five minutes to move from the crew area to the cargo holds; passing
through twisting corridors and past dozens of panicked crewmen。
Punching the locking plate of cargo bay three; the door hissed open and swirling wind struck
him。 Screams were lost in the gale roaring through the cargo hold; and Solon saw that one of the
cargo bay hold doors was wide open。
Through the blinding snow and ice; Solon saw a dark shape hanging in the air outside; hovering
four metres above the ground。 It was sleek and black; with wicked blades and spikes protruding
along its sides; and it rocked slightly as the winds buffeted it; like a ship rolling on the open sea。
Black figures; taller and slimmer than a man were dragging people kicking and screaming
towards the skiff hanging in the air outside。 As he stood frozen on the spot; transfixed by the horror
of what he was seeing; a struggling woman was knocked to the ground by a backhanded slap; and
hauled towards the gaping cargo bay door by her hair。
A score of people were already trussed up on the mid…deck of the skiff; lying in a moaning pile;
their hands bound behind their backs。
One of the black figures turned its faceless helmet towards Solon; and he felt a fear that he had
never before experienced as the reflective eye lenses bore into him。
The figure barked a word in a language that Solon could not understand; spun on its heels like a
dancer and swung something up from its side。 With a flick of its arm it hurled the object towards
him; spinning it end over end。
Even as the dark figure cast its weapon; Solon was backing away; and he tripped over the boy;
Dios; who was clinging to one of his legs。 Solon fell; swearing; and the spinning weapon scythed
above him to strike one of his crewmen who had come up behind him。
The man fell; gagging; his hands clutching at the weighted wires wrapped around his neck。 A
flicker of energy coursed along those constricting wires and the man fell; convulsing violently; to
the ground。
Scooping the boy up in his arms; Solon punched the door panel; bringing the hatch slamming
back down; and turned and ran; leaping over the twitching figure on the ground。
The other cargo bays were to the left; the engines to the right; and Solon paused for a second; not
knowing where to go。 The boy wrapped his arms around Solon’s neck; burying his face against his
chest; and a pair of Solon’s crew came running down the stairs towards him; their faces fearful。
“Run;” shouted Solon; and as he heard the hatch behind him slide open he made his decision;
turning and bolting to the right。
The pair of crewmen stood staring behind Solon; firstly in incomprehension; then in dawning
horror。 There was a rapid sound like air being expelled; and one of the men collapsed; his left leg
peppered with tiny splinters that tore through his overalls and the flesh beneath。 The other man
turned to run; but he was too slow and splinters shredded his legs from under him。 His agonised
scream followed Solon as he ran into the engine room; slamming his shoulder against the wall as he
rounded a sharp corner。
The massive twin…engines were silent; and he raced between them; his heavy boots echoing
loudly。 Steam billowed up from beneath the walkway grid; where the massive drive shafts and gears
of the crawler lay dormant and motionless。 He swung around to the right; and grabbed the metal
rungs of a narrow ladder that climbed one of the inner…hull walls。
“Hold on; boy;” he said; and the child tightened his grip; clinging to Solon like a limpet。 With
his arms free; Solon pulled himself up the ladder; expecting at any moment to be cut to shreds by the
Half way up; he leant out from the ladder and tried to loosen the access hat
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