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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第60章

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cruiser’s command personnel。
Burias blinked as he came back to himself; and turned towards the Coryphaus; disbelief and
dawning horror plastered on his face。
“What is it?” asked Kol Badar; seeing the icon bearer’s face pale。
“Marduk;” gasped Burias。 “He is alive!”
“Where?” growled Kol Badar。
Burias’s eyes settled on the insignificant Imperial freighter。
“There;” he said; stabbing a finger towards the blip。 Kol Badar swore。 The bladed fingers of his
power talons clenched。
“Hold jump routine;” the Coryphaus said at last。
“What are you going to do?” asked Burias in a neutral tone。 Kol Badar stared at him。
“Bring us to heading L4。86;” said the Coryphaus; holding the gaze of the icon bearer。 “Order the
starboard gunnery crew to prepare weapons for firing。”
Burias raised an eyebrow。
“Is there a problem; icon bearer?” rumbled the Coryphaus。 Burias licked his lips。
“No problem; my Coryphaus;” he said at last。
With fresh energy coursing through his body; Marduk rose to his feet; his eyes burning with the fire
of devotion and belief。 He stalked towards the pathetic figure of his torturer; who was vainly trying
to crawl to safety; and lifted the skeletal eldar into the air。
Hefting him like a rag doll; Marduk stepped through the bladed portal doors。
The corridor was long and lined with hundreds upon hundreds of cells; each filled with piteous
slaves。 Many of them lay on their backs; with blank masks pulled over their heads that plugged into
sockets in the walls behind them。 They groaned and twitched as a barrage of terror was sent into
their brains; while others were hooked up to all manner of torturous devices; while their cellmates
looked on in horror。 Marduk saw a naked human stretched backwards across a rotating wheel…like
device; his hands and ankles bound and a slender blade poised in the air above。 With each turn of
the wheel; the man was brought fractionally closer to the blade; cutting into his flesh in a line from
chin to groin。 Other figures hung from insubstantial chains of light; bizarre apparatus attached to
their heads by biting metal claws and their eyelids held forcibly open by tiny; black legs。 A parade
of horror passed before their eyes; and they thrashed around trying to escape their torment; but
unable to look away as every debauched and horrific act imaginable was flashed directly into their
None of the cells appeared to have bars。 Indeed; nothing appeared to hold them within their
confinement at all; and Marduk moved warily along the corridor; eyeing the tortured humanoid
forms to either side of him。 Few registered his passing; and those that did stared at him with hollow;
despairing eyes。
Marduk saw other cells filled with what could only have been the haemonculus’s experiments;
wretched eldar grotesques that had been twisted and surgically altered into whatever form pleased
the perverted creature。 He saw some with additional limbs grafted to their bodies; others with
feathers that protruded where hair ought to have grown; and others bent over backwards and
walking on all fours。 One of them saw him holding the torturer before him; and it screeched in
outrage; frill…like flaps of skin flaring up on either sides of its neck and a tri…pronged tongue darting
from its mouth。 Others turned to see what had enraged it; and as one they wailed; gnashed their teeth
and whimpered to see their master laid low。
One monstrous grotesque opened its gaping mouth; the aperture spreading in four quarters that
peeled back from its neck to its cheeks。 It threw itself at Marduk; who spun towards it; but it
slammed into an invisible barrier of energy that let off a stink of ozone and hurled it backwards。
More of the inmates began to turn in Marduk’s direction; and he saw the hatred in the eyes of
many of them as they looked upon the skeletal form of the haemonculus; helpless in Marduk’s
grasp。 They rose to their feet to witness his passing; lining up to form a twisted honour guard for
One of the inmates; a human male; started calling to him; but Marduk ignored its cries; even as
more of the wretched slaves began to holler; whoop and cheer; speaking a thousand tongues; both
human and xenos。
This one human was particularly insistent; running alongside Marduk within the confines of his
dark cell; begging and pleading。
Marduk paused; seeing a troop of eldar warriors moving towards him in the distance; clearly
alerted by the ruckus。
“Release me; I beg you; my lord;” cried the man; no more than a metre from Marduk; but
separated by the invisible wall of power。 Marduk glanced down at the wretch。 The man had
obviously not been in his confinement for long。 He bore no obvious injuries; and his skin was
relatively clean; in stark contrast to the filth…encrusted masses。 More than that; his eyes did not yet
have the hollow look of hopelessness within them。
“Why?” asked Marduk simply; which gave the man pause。 He licked his lips; and Marduk
swung his head back the way he had come; seeing another troop of dark eldar warriors running
lightly towards him。
“I have a ship docked on this vessel! We could escape; you and I together!” cried the man as
Marduk made to move on。 He paused; and swung back towards the wretch。
“What guarantee do you have that your ship is still here?” he asked quickly。
“None;” admitted the man; matching Marduk’s fearsome gaze without faltering; “but how were
you planning on getting off…ship?”
Marduk swung his gaze around once more; seeing the eldar warriors drawing nearer from both
quarters。 The ones to his right were closer; and he saw several of them drop to their knees; raising
weapons to their shoulders。 Marduk lifted the haemonculus up in front of him for them to see;
placing the blade of the spider…eldar’s limb upon its already blood…drenched throat。 That gave the
warriors pause; though they did not lower their weapons。
“Things are not looking so good for you; friend;” said the man in the cell。
“I am not the one in a cell;” said Marduk。
“True;” said the man。 “The cell controls for this section are behind you。”
Marduk swung his head around to see a blank wall panel; though even as he looked upon it;
glimmering runes of xenos origin flickered into being; hovering in the air a few centimetres from the
“Touch the middle one; the one that looks like a serpent;” said the man。 “No; not that one; the
one next to it。 That’s the door release。 I’ve seen the guards use it。”
Marduk paused; indecision staying his hand。 The man might be lying。
“What have you got to lose?” asked the man; as if reading his mind。
Marduk backed up to the control panel; his eyes flicking between the two groups of eldar
warriors that had begun to edge forwards once more; just waiting for an opportunity to fire without
hitting the haemonculus。 His eyes drifted down to the eldar runes flickering in the air in front of the
“Release him;” Marduk growled into the haemonculus’s ear; tightening his grip on the skeletal
creature。 The eldar made no move; and Marduk pushed the blade more forcefully against its throat;
drawing blood。
The eldar reached out a long; bony finger; moving it towards the glowing runes。
“No tricks;” said Marduk; “or I’ll have my own torture fun with you before anybody comes to
save you。”
The haemonculus’s finger paused just before it pierced the holographic image of a rune that
resembled a jagged blade。 Then it moved to the side and passed through the serpent…like rune; the
one that the man had indicated。
There was a descending hum; and the man reached out a tentative hand。 There was no surge of
power and no stink of ozone; and the man exhaled deeply; flashing Marduk a grin。
“Thank you friend;” said the man。 “My name is Ikorus Baranov。”
Marduk ignored him。 He was less than nothing to him; but the puny human’s words were
enticing。 How were you planning on getting off…ship?
“Now the rest of them;” said Marduk。 The haemonculus faltered; gargling something from its
shattered throat; and Marduk pushed the blade deeper。
Instantly; the haemonculus’s hand flickered over a series of rune images; and all the cell doors in
the section powered down。
At first; nothing happened。 Then a hulking two…metre beast covered in matted fur staggered into
the corridor。 Throwing its head back; it gave a blood…curdling roar。 The dark eldar guards fired;
knocking it back a step。 It roared again; and lurched towards the group of warriors。 Barbed prongs
that shimmered with arcane powers were fired into its flesh; and it fell to its knees as agony seared
through its body。
More and more of the slaves staggered from their cells; blinking their eyes heavily; as if
believing that this was just another part of their torture。 A broad shouldered; four…legged; centaurlike
creature with a reptilian head lurched from its cell; which was barely large enough to hold its
massive form。 It hurled itself into one of the groups of eldar warriors; and two of them died instantly
as it slammed their heads together; crushing their fragile skulls。
Eldar warriors began firing as more slaves spilled from their confinement; and crackling electrowhips
lashed out。 Slaves shuddered and screa
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