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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第64章

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with the daemonette; Marduk grinned。 The daemon licked its teeth at him in response; and ripping
its claws from the wych’s body; it spun lightly on its heel; claws singing through the air to
decapitate another eldar; sending its head flying。
Marduk whipped the blade free; spraying blood in a wide arc and spun to his right; slashing it
across the helmet of another warrior; the slender xenos limb slicing through the armour with
consummate ease。
Another barrage struck the eldar ship and Marduk stumbled again; cursing。
Darts spat into Marduk’s chest; and he hissed as debilitating pain wracked his body for a
moment; before the power of the warp within him surged; and he felt the pain recede。 One of the
dark lord’s guardians stood before him; and more darts were fired from the tip of its backwardscurving
helmet; which resembled a scorpion’s tail。
Marduk lifted a hand; the movement guided by the power of Slaanesh surging within him; and
the darts were halted in mid…air。 arduk sent them slicing off to the side;
where they took an eldar in the face。
The bodyguard darted towards Marduk; swinging its glaive with surprising swiftness; forcing
him to leap backwards to avoid being cut in two。 There was no time to launch a riposte; for the eldar
danced after him; its return blow striking towards his neck。
Marduk met the blow with one of his own; but the glaive sheared through his blade as if it were
not there; and though Marduk swayed to the side at the last moment to avoid the killing blow; the
blade smashed into his shoulder; sinking deep into his flesh。
Grabbing the blade with one hand; keeping the eldar from pulling it clear; the First Acolyte and
the eldar were momentarily locked together。 Marduk stood half a head taller than the slender
warrior; and over twice his weight; but the eldar was swift; despite its heavy armour。
The eldar’s foot snapped out; hitting Marduk squarely in the throat。 Again; the eldar snapped a
kick to his neck; but this time the Word Bearer met its force with his arm; clubbing down hard on
the leg as it rose towards him。
The eldar gave a reptilian hiss of pain as its leg was broken; its armour crushed beneath the
blow。 Instantly; Marduk ripped the glaive from his shoulder and whirled it through the air。 He hit the
eldar in the back as it fell away from him; severing its spinal column。
The weapon was phenomenally light in his hands; and he slashed it to the right; cleaving the arm
from another of the eldar lord’s bodyguard as it despatched another daemonette。
There was no order to the battle。 The eldar were completely overrun by the daemons of
Slaanesh。 The musk had a powerful; intoxicating effect; and everything was brighter; more alive;
and more intense than in any battle Marduk had experienced before。 He heard every groan; scream
and gasp; and every splatter of blood as it struck the flooring。 The blood being spilled was the most
entrancing; vivid colour imaginable; and he felt a savage joy at the play of light across the armour of
the eldar warriors; the alluring smell of death; and the feel of the xenos weapon beneath his hands。
He saw the guards of the eldar lord fall one by one; dragged down into the mist; until the blackarmoured
figure stood alone; defiant and savage; yet hopelessly overwhelmed。 This one moved well;
and Marduk longed to test his strength against him; but it was not to be。
The daemonettes circled in around the eldar lord; snarling and hissing; closing off any chance of
escape; and Marduk had no wish to come between the daemons and their prey。
Another series of detonations rocked the eldar ship; and Marduk swung away from the doomed
eldar lord; leaving him to his fate。
“That one is mine;” said a voice; and Baranov looked up to see the Space Marine that had released
him from his imprisonment striding towards him through the pink mist; eyes blazing with
dominating power as he glared at the daemonette that held Baranov in its thrall。
The daemonette hissed in anger; but obediently spun away from Baranov; who cried out in
desire and pain as it relinquished its hold on him。 Bloody; stinging welts covered Baranov’s body;
and his eyes lingered on the fey creature as it spun away on one clawed foot and slashed its arm
across the neck of a slave; who was standing nearby; mouth agape。 Blood fountained from the
mortal wound; yet the man moaned in pleasure; and the daemonette bore it to the ground in its
embrace; the pair disappearing into the knee…high mist。
Baranov was insensible; shaking and gibbering from the horrors he had witnessed as the Space
Marine hauled him brutally to his feet。
“Take me to your ship;” growled the immense figure; eyes blazing with fury and power。
“My ship;” muttered Baranov; his sanity in tatters; but he was brought back into reality as the
Space Marine slapped him across the side of the head。 His brain was rattled inside his skull by the
force of the blow。 The immense figure grabbed Baranov by the front of his shirt and pulled him
towards his snarling; bloody face。
“Take me to you ship; or I’ll gut you here;” he growled。
Dracon Alith Drazjaer turned on the spot; his eyes darting between the encircling daemonettes。 All
his long centuries of decadent life; avoiding the claim that She Who Thirsts had over his soul; and it
had come to this。 Anger; bitterness; desperation and fathomless terror flowed through him in equal
measure; but his body had been well trained in the death…cult temples of Commoragh; and he reacted
instinctively as the daemonettes closed in on him。
He spun towards one of them; catching the daemonette’s blow in one hand and slashing his
bladed forearm across its neck with his other arm。 He spun the daemonette into the path of one of its
companions; and ducked beneath the slashing claws of the third daemonette; coming up inside its
guard and ripping its abhorrent body apart with twin swipes of his arms。
Turning swiftly; he swayed beneath a swinging claw that would have ripped his head from his
shoulders; and slammed a kick into the daemonette’s perverted; backwards jointed knee; shattering
it。 As it fell; he rammed his elbow into its face; spitting it on the blade that jutted from his armoured
He caught a blade on one forearm; and then another on his other arm; and snapped a kick into
the daemonette’s leering face。 Blades snapped forwards from his knuckles and he stepped in close
and punched the bitch daemon in me throat twice; hissing fluid spraying from the wound even as the
infernal lesser daemon returned to smoke。
Drazjaer felt the presence of the mandrake; Ja’harael; materialise at his side。
“Save me; half…breed; and all that is mine will be yours;” Drazjaer hissed in desperation。
The mandrake stepped in close behind him and rammed blades into the dracon’s unprotected
“You have failed Lord Vect; dracon;” hissed the mandrake in his ear。 “Your path is your own。”
The daemonettes closed in once more; licking their lips seductively。
“Goodbye; lord dracon;” said Ja’harael; and his form turned to shadow; even as the graceful
claws of a daemonette slashed towards him。 The daemonic blade…limbs sliced harmlessly through
his insubstantial body; and he disappeared; retreating into the refuge of the webway。
Drazjaer screamed; his earthly voice and that of his damned soul joined together in union。
Delicate claws snapped closed; and Drazjaer’s body was shorn into a dozen pieces。 His soul was
sent screaming to feed the insatiable hunger of the daemonettes’ master。
Screams and screeching inhuman cries echoed in the distance; and Baranov was pulled sharply into
the darkness of a side…passage as yet another troop of eldar soldiers ran past; heading towards the
escalating mayhem of the battle underway within the heart of the eldar vessel。
“There;” whispered Baranov; unable to stop his body shaking。 He pointed across the open dock
towards his ship; the Rapture; which was; thankfully; still where he had left it。 The yawning expanse
of space could be seen beyond; held at bay by an invisible integrity field。
Another explosion rocked the ship; and Baranov fell to his knees; though his companion yanked
him back to his feet instantly。
“Keep behind me;” boomed his immense; bloodied benefactor; who broke into a run towards the
Rapture。 Baranov had no time to think; and he bolted from cover after the towering; terrifying Space
There was a shout; and Baranov saw a pair of eldar move to intercept the hulking Space Marine。
Pistols spat shards of death towards the immense figure; but they barely slowed him; and he
thundered into the pair; his halberd swinging in lethal arcs。 Two slices and the fight was over; and
two eldar bodies fell to the floor with mortal wounds。
The Space Marine reached the Rapture some ten paces ahead of Baranov; and swung around; his
hellish eyes scanning for the enemy。 Baranov ran underneath the landing gear of his prized shuttle
and keyed the entrance code。 The gangway ramp lowered towards the floor with a satisfying hiss。
He ran up the ramp and bolted towards the control cabin; throwing himself into the pilot’s seat。
Flicking levers and turning dials; the Rapture’s engines roared as they made ready fo
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