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ypnotic charm do the trick。 Aside from the natural resistance to such effects that all we dark elves possess; some of the males would have carried wards in the form of amulets and such。 No; I think we have to assume the rogues sneaked away of their own volition to acplish some positive end。 But what?〃
〃They're anizing a new merchant clan?〃
〃I thought of that; but Gromph says no; and I'm sure he's correct。 For if that were the case; then why the secrecy? Since trade is important to all Menzoberranzan; people don't generally object when a male bees a merchant。 It's one of the two or three legitimate ways to distance oneself from Mother's harsh and arbitrary hand。〃 He grinned。 〃No offense。 I'm sure that in happier times; the males under your authority had no reason to plain of you。〃
〃You can bet I would give them reason now。〃
〃Given your more recent experiences; that's understandable。 So; if the rogues aren't putting together a caravan; what are they doing? Preparing to flee Menzoberranzan for good and all? Or; goddess forbid; have they slipped away already?〃
〃I don't think so。 I can't tell you precisely where they are; but I believe they're still somewhere in the city proper; the Mantle; or conceivably out in the Bauthwaf。〃
〃Now that truly is good news。 I wasn't keen on a hunt through the wilds of the Underdark。 Not only is there a general lack of amenities; the winemakers are uncorking the new vintages the tenday after next。〃
Pellanistra shook her head。 〃You haven't changed。〃
〃Thank you; I'll take that as a pliment。 Now; let's get down to the crux of the matter; shall we? I require names。 Which of your visitors dropped these Vaguest hints' which you have so sagaciously interpreted?〃
She gave him a smile radiant with spite。 〃Alton Vandree and Vuzlyn Freth。〃
〃Who themselves subsequently disappeared and are thus unavailable for questioning。 It makes sense; I suppose; but it's unfortunate all the same。〃
〃I've given you everything I have;〃 she said。 〃Now fulfill your end of the deal。〃
The wizard frowned and said; 〃My dear collaborator; it would devastate me to disappoint you。 Yet I stipulated that you'd have to offer me information of some significance; and frankly; I'm not sure you've delivered。 I really know little more than I did before。〃
〃Do it; or I'll tell every soul who es into this cell that you're looking for the runaways。 Perhaps that will have some 'significance' for your mission。 I assume it is supposed to be a secret。 Things usually are where you're involved; and you haven't mentioned a legion of assistants following you about。〃
Pharaun laughed。 〃Well played。 I surrender。 How shall we do this?〃
〃I don't care。 Burn me with your magic。 Stick a dagger in me。 Break my neck with those long; clever fingers。〃
〃Interesting suggestions all; but I'd just as soon that Nym didn't bill me for your demise。 If we can make it look as if your heart just stopped of its own accord sometime after I look my leave; I'll have a chance。〃
He cast about; noticed the thick; fluffy pillow on the bed; picked it up; and experimentally gripped it at both ends。 It felt good in his hands。
〃This ought to work;〃 he said。 〃Perhaps you could oblige me by lying down?〃

C   h   a   p   t   e   r 
F  I  V  E
Ryld sipped his chilled; tart wine with a sense of satisfaction; secure in the knowledge that the game; though technically still in progress; was already won。 In three more moves; his onyx wizard and orc would trap and mate his opponent's carnelian mother。
As usual; he had acplished his victory without recourse to the dice。 Truth to tell; those clattering ivory cubes with the magically warmed images incised on the faces were the one aspect of SUVA he didn't like。 They interjected blind luck into what should be a contest of pure cunning。
Ryld's adversary; a scrawny young merchant clansman with an uncouth habit of letting drops of liquor slide from the corners of his mouth as he guzzled; had thrown the dice early on and gloated when chance allowed him to eliminate one of the older male's priestesses。
Shoulders hunched; brow sweaty; he stared at the board as if the fate of his soul were being decided thereupon。 A truly petent player would have recognized almost instantly that there was only one move he could make。 Indeed; he would have foreseen the inevitable mate just three moves hence and resigned。
Mindful of his true purpose for visiting the Jewel Box; Ryld; doing his best to sound only casually interested; took up the thread of the conversation that he and the slightly tipsy trader had been carrying on in fits and starts。
〃Did your cousin give you any warning that he was going to run away?〃
〃No;〃 the clansman answered curtly。 〃Why would he? We despised each other。 Now shut up You're trying to break my concentration。〃
Ryld sighed and settled back in his spindly; flimsylooking limestone chair。 From the corner of his eye he glimpsed something that made him sit up straighter; doublecheck the precise position of Splitter leaning against the wall; and stealthily loosen his short sword in its oiled sheath on his belt。
He himself didn't quite know what had alerted him。 These weren't the first circle of revelers he'd watched rise from their seats and draw their weapons; either to play at fencing or to settle a quarrel that had nothing at all to do with the hooded male defeating all ers at sava。 Indeed; within the confines of the Jewel Box; blades rasped from their scabbards with a certain regularity。 Superficially; this new quartet was no different; but somehow Ryld knew that they were。 Sure enough; they stalked straight toward him and his oblivious opponent through the fragrant haze of incense。 Other patrons; likewise sensing the swordsmen's intent; made haste to clear the way。
A blade with a glowing redness—an imprisoned spirit perhaps—oozing inside the adamantine; flicked in a horizontal sweep at the tabletop。 Ryld caught the weapon and pushed it away before it could upset the sava pieces or his neatly stacked winnings。 The long sword was as sharp as only an enchanted weapon could be; but he managed the grab without cutting his hand。 Finally startled from his reverie; the scrawny boy looked wildly about。
〃May we help you?〃 asked Ryld。
〃We've been listening to you;〃 said the owner of the long sword。
Though not so big as Ryld; he was nonetheless husky and tall for a drow male; and the points of his prominent ears seemed to reach above the top of his head like a bat's。 He was the best dressed and plainly the leader of the foursome; even though his broad; sullen face bore the mottled bruises of a beating。 The weapons master assumed that some noble female must have seen fit to give the male a pummeling。 His panions would think none the less of him for that。
Especially since; Ryld noted; two of them were hurt as well; moving a trifle stiffly or slightly favoring one leg。 Perhaps they were all kinsmen; and one of the priestesses in their House had gone on a regular tear。
〃You've been asking a lot of questions about runaways;〃 the swordsman continued in a threatening drawl。
〃Have I?〃 Ryld replied。
He reflected that it was too bad the three musicians had left the stage a few minutes back。 He doubted that anyone had managed to eavesdrop on his conversations while the longhorn was shrilling away。
The other male scowled and asked; 〃Why?〃
〃Just making conversation。 Do you know something about the rogues?〃
〃No; but I know that in the Jewel Box we don't like it when people are too curious。 We don't like them hunting runaways。 We don't like them listening to every private thing we say and reporting back to the Mothers。〃
〃I'm not a spy。〃
Maybe he was; but he had no intention of confessing it to this fool。
〃Ha〃 the swordsman scoffed。 〃If you were; you wouldn't admit it。〃
〃Be that as it may; I suggest you and your friends return to your table and let this boy and I finish our game。〃
The male with the red sword swelled like an inflated bladder on the verge of bursting。 〃You're trying to dismiss me like a servant? Do you have any idea who I am?〃
〃Of course; Tathlyn Godeep。 I trained you。 Do you remember me?〃
Ryld pushed back his cowl; exposing his hitherto shadowed features。
Tathlyn and his friends goggled at their former teacher as if he had just revealed himself to be some ancient and legendary dragon。
〃I see you do。 So I'll bid you good day。〃
Tathlyn looked as if he was groping for a ment that would allow him to terminate this confrontation with his dignity intact; but the onlookers started to laugh。 His fear less pelling than his pride; he screwed the sneer back onto his face。
〃Yes;〃 he said; his voice raised to cut through the laughter; 〃I know you; Master Argith; but you don't know me; not the person I have bee。 Today I am the weapons master of House Godeep。〃
House Godeep was one of the petty Houses of Narbondellyn; whose frantic rivalries on the very bottom rungs of the ladder of status were almost beneath the notice of the nobles farther up。 Ryld doubted the Godeeps would rise much higher with Tathlyn leading their warriors。 During his training; the boy had learned to swing a sword with reasonable skill; but he had always demonstrated extraordinary recklessness and general poor judgment when placed in mand of a squad。
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