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and developing regulatory systems; none of which is easy。
DANIEL YERGIN: And there was an underlying flaw in the system that people really didn't focus very much on; which was the institutional weakness。 What that meant is the banking systems were not well developed; securities laws were not well developed。 They had not kept up with the development of these economies and their integration into the world economy。
DANIEL YERGIN:而且,当时在体系的内部有一个没有被人们充分关注的内在的问题,即体制上的弱点。这意味着银行体系并没有得到很好的发展;安全法没有得到很好的发展。它们没能与这些经济的发展保持同步,也没能与世界经济接轨。
NARRATOR: Thailand's Central Bank had kept its currency artificially high; fueling the speculative bubble。
The International Monetary Fund; which acts as a bank of last resort to countries in financial trouble; began to worry that Thailand was heading for a fall。
STANLEY FISCHER; First Deputy Managing Director; International Monetary Fund; 19942001: I went to Bangkok in May 1997。 It was full of cranes everywhere; and it looked like the boom would never end。 But they were very weak banks who were lending against buildings which were never going to be filled。
STANLEY FISCHER,国际货币基金组织第一副总干事,19942001:我于1997年5月去了曼谷。当时到处都是吊车,看上去就是感觉这种高速发展永远都不会结束。但是有很多弱小的银行将资金贷给那些以永远都不会建起来的楼房作抵押的项目。
NARRATOR: Muang Thong Thani was a sign of the times  a ";new city"; built from scratch for 700;000 people。 It was meant to be bigger than Boston。 But almost no one was moving in。
旁白:MUANG THONG THANI 是那个时代的一个标志 —— 一座为70万人口拔地建起的“新城”。它本来是要建成比波士顿还要大的城市。但是几乎没有人搬进去。
MARK MOBIUS: The vision was great。 The vision was to take this huge tract of land and build a city; basically。 between the downtown congested Bangkok and the airport。 So the concept was excellent。 The problem was it was financed by 
MARK MOBIUS:那个愿景是美妙的。那个愿景基本上就是在这一片巨大的土地上建造一座城市。问题出在它是用美元资金来支持的。
NARRATOR: Thailand's currency; known as the baht; was pegged to the dollar。 As the Thai economy weakened; financial markets sensed this policy couldn't last。
STANLEY FISCHER: Thailand had fixed the value of its currency in terms of dollars。 It had a fixed exchange rate。 And as people began to wonder; ";Well; do they actually have enough dollars to always be able to give me dollars in exchange for the baht; the Thai currency I have?;"; and when they begin to wonder about that; they start asking for the dollars; and then they attack the currency。
STANLEY FISCHER:泰国固定了本国货币与美元的比价。它固定了兑换率。人们开始猜想了,“他们真的有足够的美元来随时给我兑换我手里的泰铢吗?”而当他们开始考虑这些事情的时候,他们就开始需求美元了,从而打击了泰国货币。
MARK MOBIUS: The Central Bank kept saying no; no; no。 And they were shelling out the ; and of course any hedge fund manager looking at that would say; ";Hey; these guys are going to be in trouble; and I'm going to short the Thai baht。";
MARK MOBIUS:中央银行一直在说不,不,不。他们出售美元以保护本国货币。所以,他们的外汇储备迅速降低,而那些对冲基金经理人看到这种情况就会说:“哈, 这些人要有麻烦了,我可要对泰铢作空。
NARRATOR: The baht came under relentless market pressure。 In July 1997; the Thai government was forced to devalue。
The bubble had burst。 The Asian financial crisis was about to begin。
SIRVAT VORAVETVUTHIKUN: When the crisis hit; I realized my fate。 I could not sell a single unit when the crisis hit。
SIRVAT VORAVETVUTHIKUN:当危机来临时,我意识到了我的命运。当危机来临的时候,我一套房子也卖不出去了。
My condominium is called the American dream home; dream condominium。 But we are broke。 Even my clients who were multibillionaires are broke also。
NARRATOR: The economic shock reverberated throughout all levels of Thai society。
PANJIT NIYOMDET; Factory Worker; Bangkok。 Thailand: When the economy went bad; my husband's salary was cut 30 percent。 I was lucky; I kept my job; but I didn't get a raise。 To support our family; my husband had to find other work。
PANJIT NIYOMDET,工厂工人,曼谷,泰国:当经济不好的时候,我丈夫的薪水降低了30%。我算是幸运的。我保住了我的工作,但是,我没有得到加薪。为了养活一家,我丈夫不得不再去找其他工作。
NARRATOR: The cost of living was rising。 Everything was going up  water; electricity; even soap。 But the salaries were staying the same; or going down。
旁白:消费水平不断提高。所有东西都涨价 —— 水,电,甚至肥皂。而工资却没有涨甚至下降了。
With its economy in a virtual free fall; Thailand received an emergency rescue loan from the International Monetary Fund。 When that didn't work; the Thai government asked Washington for even more help。
No one imagined that an economy as small as Thailand's could spark a global crisis。

Chapter 12: Contagion Engulfs Asia '7:13'
第十二章: 危机的影响吞没了亚洲
LAURA TYSON: Thailand is a very small economy。 It didn't have a lot of links; and it's not exactly in your backyard。 So in any event; the ; thinking it was not going to spill over。 Why would it? The contagion effects were not apparent to anybody; not just the administration。
LAURA TYSON:泰国是一个很小的经济体。它没有太多的联系,也并不在你的后院。因此,在任何事件中,美国都选择不去干预泰国的事情,因为认为它不会蔓延。为什么会呢?传染的效果当时对任何人来说,不仅仅是行政当局,都不明显。
LEE HSIEN LOONG: I think they misjudged the situation。 They misjudged the situation; probably because it was seen too much as a financial issue rather than an overall strategic issue。
LEE HSIEN LOONG:我认为他们错误地判断了形势。错误地判断了形势的原因可能是,大家把它过多地看成是一个金融问题而不是一个整体的战略问题。
NARRATOR: Global markets worried that other Asian countries might have similar hidden flaws。 Like a classic run on the bank; money began to pull out of the entire region。 They called it contagion。
Onscreen caption: 116 billion flowed out of Southeast Asian markets。
DANIEL YERGIN: And at each stage; the crisis turned out to have a virulence that became known as contagion; much greater than anticipated。 And what that really reflected was indeed globalization; was the way these economies had bee locked together and investors looked at emerging markets。 They said there was a problem in Thailand; well; then there's a problem in these other countries。 And so each step of the crisis created these shock waves that carried on into the next。
DANIEL YERGIN:在每一个阶段,这一危机都有一个致命的表现,被叫做恶性蔓延,比预想的要厉害得多。而它们真正所反映的是全球化的确是这些经济体紧扣在一起的载体,全球化也是投资者看待新兴市场的方式。
Onscreen caption: Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia; July 1997
NARRATOR: Contagion spread to Thailand's neighbors。 Malaysia's economy had seemed stable。 Suddenly; it; too; was facing relentless pressure from global markets。
MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD: We have the currency going down and down and down; and we have the stock market doing the same。 The index kept on going down; no matter what we do。 And we felt totally helpless。 We felt that there was no way we could recover。 So; I mean; the feeling was very bad; very frightening。
Onscreen caption: Jakarta; Indonesia
NARRATOR: Contagion next hit Indonesia; the most populous country in the region。 Its government collapsed; its cities descended into chaos。
LEE KUAN YEW: The fund managers didn't know the difference between Indonesia and Malaysia; Thailand; Singapore。 They just said; ";I want out。"; Property prices collapsed; panies collapsed。 And in the case of Indonesia; the social fabric collapsed。 Churches have been burnt; mosques have been attacked; they have killed each other。 This will take years to heal。 And it's all the fallout of an economic collaps
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